Get the Burden of Unrelenting Justice Transmog Set

The idea of the set shifting is really cool but also breaks a core part of the transmog minigame for a lot of players who enjoy mixing and matching sets. Please reconsider and offer three distinct versions of the set!

An always green version, an always white version and a colour shifting version.

This has been asked for nearly a year now by people who have been interested in the set.


Really needs to have two separate sets to go with it that don’t forcibly change colors :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Can it please be two sets and WE get to decide the look? PLEASE??!!!


Everyone should check their progress. Mine and others are stuck at 10/12 which means we won’t be getting it next month even though we’ve completed every month’s.

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Hell yes! Ive wanted to do a Warden for a while now.

Also a lot of people love to complain about anything. You could make the game free and people would still complain about all the months they had to pay for it. :smile:

Blizzard, this is NOT what the players want. Many have been vocal about how little they like the color changing aspect tied to day/night.

PLEASE! Listen to the players and just make this 2 seperate color sets or give us the option to lock it on one of the colors.

This is an amazing looking set which many players have waited AND worked for 12 months to get!

Having a transmog constantly change colors when people transmog either certian pieces or transmog specific weapons to match, a color changing set would break the immersion of the entire transmog.

Its a cool feature, but if you are going to do color changing sets give the players the power to CHOOSE what color they want vs tying the color changing to something the players have no control over!


Both sets look great. Please add three versions to mog.

Green & Gold
Color Shifting


:person_shrugging: I’m at 11/12. Good to go on New Years.

Please for the love of god consider changing this.

I have waited a year to finally have a warden set, and if you keep this weird gimmick it will be entirely useless.

For those of us who can only play at specific times of day we will be unable to see one of the colors, and for those of us who like to mix and match transmog it will be ruined for half of the day. You give us options with the armor from the War Within preorder so please give us options here too.


THIS, very much this!

I actually don’t like using full sets and enjoy mix and matching far more. It will be impossible to mix and match if they shift!


Posts like this are entirely unhelpful when people are merely giving constructive criticism over why the color shifting gimmick might not be something desirable.

Thanks for providing nothing to the conversation, I guess.


If it’s like mount with the auto color change, no thank you.

However, if I could have the little pink/white moose pet in a jumbo flying form - sign me up!



The set is cool but if they move forward with the forced daylight cycle change it’ll ruin it for mogging for a lot of people. Voicing our objection to that isn’t “loving to complain”.


Are you giving weapons that change as well from night to day?


Agreed. That’s just really disappointing if it’s going to work that way and I’ll never use it.


The set is stunning and I was looking forward to it SO much. Until I just read about that whole colour changing thing about it.

PLEASE, just like the transmog that came with the preorder, let them be separate versions!

I won’t even be offended when I see an Orc wear it, or a forsaken. But please let us pick a non morphing one!


I was disappointed by the saber mount because it changes based on the time of day, much as I am disappointed by this.

Locking how your character looks to when you get to play is such a silly decision, and as I’ve said before-- a “cool on paper, uncool in practice” design.

Edit: How do toys that change the time of day like the Jar of Sunwarmed Sand work with this? If you use it at night would you still have the night armor, or would you have the day armor? Or would other players see you with the night armor and you’d see the day armor?

Secondary question: Why?


You’ve had feedback on this for 12 months.
We don’t want the color changing.
We want to be able to mix and match.


Please Blizz, PLEASE, we’re begging you, please give us options that don’t automatically change color as well! The set looks amazing but if the color is going to change due to time of day then I will never use it. Same goes for the mount too.


The mog would be even worse, because there aren’t any swapping weapons accompanying it, so you would have to be constantly re-mogging things to match it, or to get away from one of the colors if you don’t like it.

I’m guessing the vast majority of people will just make the more economical choice to just not use the set at all.