Get the Burden of Unrelenting Justice Transmog Set

Cmon guys, you can’t be that tone deaf in thinking this is the only solution for this set.

Just make all 3 variants available
Green/Gold, Silver, and Psychopath.


got damn they really lost touch with the playerbase. do any of them actually transmog? lol

we all know at least one dev doesnt.

It follows the same pattern as the very first reward we got:

Ash’adar changes color depending on day and night. It stands to reason that so does the outfit.

And if that’s not the case, then they need to post here and tell us exactly how it works.


Shout out to all the OCE players that like the green set lol.


Blizzard, please consider just releasing 3 versions, one of each color, and the changing one.
Having transmog just randomly become a new color is a bit annoying. It’s cool, but it’s also not for me, and I don’t think I’m out of line to say others may not like it. Especially on probably one of the more requested niche outfits, being a Sentinel’s outfit.


Please make three sets. One green, one white and one color shifting.

The Warden npc from the heritage quest also wears this and it doesn’t change colors for her. Same with some new Bel’ameth priestesses.

Thanks <3


Also, if I’m reading earlier comments correct, the boot model for the set was accidentally hooked up to another pair of boots for a while on the PTR, and people noticed that their color did change depending on the time.

Barring that, it’d still be a pretty safe assumption considering there’s only one set of “Unrelenting Justice” items to go with the transmog set, and the icons for the pieces are deliberately showing a transition between both tints:


yea god knows how many people signed off on this too. sad that they aren’t playing their own game.

That makes me sad.

While the color changing set is indeed a cute idea, I am going to echo that 3 sets would very much be ideal.

A single color changing set can be disruptive to those who have a specific aesthetic.

While both tints are indeed gorgeous on their own, they can very much clash against eachother in terms of palette and unfortunately can’t really be mixed and matched with eachother.

So I must also implore that the concept be reconsidered to the point where we can have 2 static sets in addition to the colored set.


Remember when the Trading Post was announced and all the NE players were like “OMG THE WARDEN SET IS GOING TO COST SO MUCH IT WILL TAKE ME YEARS TO GET! THIS ISNT FAIR. BLIZZARD HATES NIGHT ELVES!”
I hope they feel silly now.

Nope. Can you post links?


instead now they’re upset that its a color changing set.

No one remembers it? I’ll try to find some links. The ‘outrage’ was pretty funny.

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WoW has always been about exclusivity since vanilla with the Thunderfury bindings & season 2 with the 2200 rating requirement for PvP shoulders. We haven’t seen Maeiv in … 16 years? Legion doesn’t count because it was out of place. I mean, it looks great, but I don’t follow it. Maybe it’s not for me to understand. Awesome work nonetheless. The shop xmogs are horrendous so this is a great start!

People can never be happy. Idk. Personally I think its something people should be like “O damn, blizzard gave something NE related some super fancy effects that only exist in this set of armor, that matches a NE related mount that also has super fancy effects that dont exist elsewhere.”
But maybe I’m weird :stuck_out_tongue:

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So we’re supposed to never give feedback? You act as if people are just angry to be angry, when it’s actually been about coming up with ideas so that people aren’t forced into a transmog color they don’t want after a year of feedback on the matter.


Never said no one can give feedback.
I’m sorry you read it that way.
But there are people who are getting overly upset over something that is unique and new… When really it just aint worth it.
I’m sure we will see more fancy Elf crud very soon. There’s no harm in having a super fancy version as a fancy special reward.

It’s not unique or new. It’s been done to mounts and pets before. Color changing isn’t something people have been keen on. And with this outfit, it’s either all or nothing. You can’t mix and match. You can’t use the color you like and you may never even get to see the color you like.

I’m not really sure what your obsession is with “elf crud” or why it’s the focus, but this thread is about the color changing issue, not some elf issue.