Get the Burden of Unrelenting Justice Transmog Set

Thanks for missing the point.

A new piece of content that attributes to 12 months of trading post rewards to a reward… when adding a new one after… certainly either we get a season 1 or year 1, and year 2 separation or it ends up being a feat of strength.

So you have nothing FOR CERTAIN PROVEN?

And you don’t know it isn’t fomo so what the hell are we even talking about here.

Nothing was stated that the reward for the 12 month reward of the trading post is coming to the trading post later also.

Yeah you do, other wise you wouldn’t bring it up.

You literally bring it up. You make believe a word has some connection to attacking you.

Predictable much?

You are pulling crap out of thin air again so get help.

No surprise. Get help. Don’t be surprised when you are the one constantly introducing the ‘‘gaslighting’’ and acting offended. Then running away when it was a normal discussion.

Lesson of the day Thallia, Don’t bud in where you aren’t needed.

You aren’t the know it all of everything.

Correct! Because the Trading Post started in February. :slight_smile:

The nice thing about this achievement is that you can skip a month or two or three or whatever and it doesn’t negate anything. You just add as you participate.

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Yeah Thallia, you are the weakest link lmao
You are on ignore.

I don’t have time for your ‘’ gaslighting ‘’ and circular arguments.

They have a good point in that Blizzard strongly suggests they’re going to recycle anything Trading Post related.

BUTTTT this is Blizzard we’re talking about, and until they say something concrete about the achievement itself (which, we all know, doesn’t mean a whole lot since Blizz likes to do the opposite of what they say)…I can see it both ways.

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Pretty much.

I will gladly agree if there was things to agree to but if someone buds in constantly and thinks they are knowing all that it is like THIS but not like THAT when there is zero to back that up then I’ll call them out on it.

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Don’t let this thread die, y’all! We need to keep posting or there’s no chance of anything being done about this.

A color changing transmog is the worst idea they could have done without options for static colors.


lol they did the color changing bs that makes armor ugly, not something i’m going to aim for. this is a a narrow miss, nice try blizz. listen to your customers please. let people decide things.

this is so close to being cool but the two shades that you can’t control ruins it entirely :slight_smile: gg as usual blizz


I’m still here and I’m still hoping Blizzard will listen to us and give us three different versions of the armor as well as go back and give us three different versions of the mount that way we can all have more options and everyone can have exactly what they want color wise. :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart:


Just adding my voice to the resounding chorus.

Please give us options, Blizz.

We like the mog. We’d like the mog better if we had options.

Three sets. One green, one white, and one that changes. Please and thank you.


A decent dynamic themed based mog and all people do is complain.

So you don’t mind making a white themed transmog using parts of this set, only to have them changed to green depending on the time of day? Good for you.


Not sure it’s so much complaining as requesting to have more options which isn’t a bad thing because we’d all benefit from having three different sets and three different mounts because then everyone could use whichever they wanted vs being locked into one they don’t actually like or enjoy.


This would be cool if my achievement wasn’t bugged and didn’t track November’s progression while your team insists that it’s not bugged and it’s working as intended even though I have shown you proof that I own all of the current 11 monthly rewards.

I’m also not the only one with this problem: Trading Post Enthusiast missing a month - #21 by Primerate-sulfuras


I just want to add my voice to the many pleading for the color change to be optional. It’s a cool idea that i would hate to be locked into.


If I wanted my mog to look different at night, I’d open up transmog and change it. How is this a “feature”


why does blizzard hate decisions so much haha

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I think it’s cool that the armor changes color based on the time of day, but there should also be versions that give people a choice. Especially when it’s a year-long achievement like this.


Can someone please point out where Blizzard says the set will change color based on time of day? I see a post where a PLAYER said that, but not BLIZZARD.

YOU can go from day to night (NOT night to day) in the blink of an eye, so I would think the set is green when you put it on and has a “USE” which switches it to the night version.

Did everyone just assume it changed automatically based on time of day because Blizzard called it “color-shifting” and the night set is being shown worn at night?

Please Blizzard! consider an option to have this amazing set as 2 different color variations. Or maybe add an option to toggle what color you want your armor set to be!
Many people, because of their jobs or personal activities, have very limited time frames to play at and that would make it nearly impossible to enjoy the set in a particular color one may want. That and the ability to match individual pieces with other transmogs would be ruined by the color changing nature of the set.
I hope all these feedbacks reach Blizzard so they can find a way to fix this, once again, beautiful set!


another blizzard win again.