Get the Burden of Unrelenting Justice Transmog Set

Kind of sucks the warden toy is now useless, also just a reminder the day/night cycle is broken and has been for years in oceanic so we will usually get stuck with one set.

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Well, I read this wrong. I thought it was an outfit that can turn day into night and reverse.

Remember that Morrowind machine you could change the sky to anything you wanted? Want ash storm? Rain. Clouds.

Imagine an object/toy that could let you and others choose your sky. Snowing in Tanaris whynot. Sandstorms in Dun Morogh.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Don’t think I’ll be able to get it till like March missed the like first two weeks at least :dracthyr_shrug:

Should really add non reactive variations though so seperate pieces can be used for mogs. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

I’d rather have two sets that don’t change color than one that does.


I feel a bit badly for the person who thought of this idea. I think it’s a very neat and interesting idea to have a color-shifting mog, but at the same time I can totally understand why people would want one or the other.


I agree that this should be either three sets, or have a toggle option. I like mixing and matching mogs, so this day/night cycle changing concept while novel, isn’t ideal.


This isn’t a psychological phenomenon. Nor is it limited time. It’s a static achievement. It’ll always be there. Any month adds to the total.


blizzard let us have static versions of each color aswell. having an armor set that changes color in this manner makes it dead on arrival unless you plan on using the entire set. but all the best parts of transmog are people mixing and matching pieces to create cool new outfits and forced color changes on this armor wont allow for that. You’ve shown npcs with static version of both color tints please let players use those aswell


250 replies and I’d bet money they won’t do anything about it. “You think you do, but you don’t.” mentality alive and well.



Can we make a bet?

In a year, they’ll go… hey, let’s make this a feat of strength and replace it with a new 12 month traders post achieve mog or reward.

Point being, never speak in absolutes, This Company changes on a dime.

It’s an achievement, not a promotion.

And then that outfit will go on the Trading Post or in the Shop. This isn’t a limited time thing.

It will be under achievements Trading Post

Example 11/12 right now on most. It will show you on achievement where at by typing trading post into search.

I honestly don’t think anyone has 12/12 yet.

Hence why it’s mentioned for January.

It’s a hook to get people to play along… semantics.

Again, 'till you know for sure, maybe sit this one out with your knack for wanting to speak in absolutes.

I was fine with the color-shifting mount, but having the same gimmick for a transmog set just won’t work. This set is essentially useless unless used as a full set.


Blizzard once again using their powers for evil.


So like every other achievement? Okay. What’s the issue?

It’s linked to the Trading Post. Anything linked to the Trading Post or Shop ends up cycling through at some point. That’s what they’ve told us since the start.

So if year from now they replace it with a new outfit, it’ll still end up on the Shop or Trading Post or both.

I don’t see the need to get insulting or condescending when you came in with outrage here over hypotheticals.

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Clearing up that gap you are not understanding. As they are just now doing something with trading post and an achievement for it so no one knows if it’ll stay as is or if it’ll be fomo.

When it is stated in fine print. Has there been a fine print for the reward? No. So you were saying…?

What the hell is wrong with you and thinking every little word is insulting or condescending. You are a grown adult. Don’t get so easily offended by every little word.

Life is better that way.

How about not trying to bud your nose in with ZERO EVIDENCE in trying to act like a know it all all the time… how about that eh…

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Blizzard: Ignores an entire year of feedback to make the color change a toggle, instead advertises it as color changing


The achievement has been in the game for quite some time now. I’m pretty sure every in game piece of content has an achievement.

Nothing is a psychological phenomenon. Whether or not it’s limited time is again, simply being outraged over hypotheticals.

So when it’s stated by Blizzard and thus far, we’ve already seen those examples. You don’t get to move more hypothetical goalposts here.

Aside from my arthritis and a bad ankle, nothing. But thanks for asking.

Except I don’t? But your words were pretty clear.

Where did I say I was offended? Pointing out your attitude problem in a perfectly calm discussion on my end isn’t being offended.

Gaslight much?

You calm down. That’d be great.

This discussion ended the moment you went off the rails, so I’m ending it here. Try to have a better night.


The color-changing Warden’s Set is the transmog world’s Zaralek Caverns.

Oh who am I kidding, transmoggers got screwed both ways.

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