Get the Burden of Unrelenting Justice Transmog Set

I hate this Night and Day tmogs and Mounts Stop making this i rather just have white and green be stand alone tmogs why cant make 2 sets dont change colors still give color change to people who want it Same with mount God i hate this mount as much store fairy dragon that did same thing!!! please stop and think I feel so let down by reward.


Its a bit like the mount that changes colour dependant on the time of day.

Which is fine - except for those of us who live in other timezones. So we get the night look in the middle of the day and the day look in the middle of the night.

Yeah, thatā€™sā€¦cute. Thanks Blizz. :thinking:

(Can we have a Downvote back, even if just for Blizzard posts???)


if this comes out in this state this 100% proves they donā€™t listen if isnt 3 sets one green one sliver and one night and day color changeā€¦ Iā€™m so let down by this post that dont understand transmog at allā€¦ messing with colors of items makes them unuseable and trash pieces the point get a set like this is have pieces i can mix and match into other sets this seem lossed on devs who made this the more color combos and rewards to get them make me want to play this color change is slap in the face to tmoggers and let down of a reward!


These sets are really worthy of the unique and interesting archetype of ā€˜Wardenā€™ that fans like myself have admired and taken an interest in for a dozen or so years.

It does however feel like someone is inserting a monkeyā€™s paw into the acquisition of this set when the caveat of such a fan-favorite armor is that it will completely change to a separate tint against a playerā€™s will every time it turns night. It would be so disheartening if players could not choose or acquire the white/green sets individually.


Can we PLEASE just get it as two (2) separate mogs? Or even an option to have it static or dynamic? Having a year long reward that canā€™t be used with any other items due to the color change breaking the mog is pretty feelsbad and really undermines the idea of this being a year long payoff.


I want to add my vote for three versions of the set. Then the people who want it to change color will be happy and the ones who donā€™t want it to will also be happy.


hey, cool idea but when you actually use items like the mount and you only login during the hours that the version you dont even like is the active oneā€¦ itā€™s no longer as cool idea as you may thinkā€¦

anyone that comes up with this stuff and actually likes it canā€™t possibly be a real user of these itemsā€¦ no way

just give us the two separate versions and weā€™ll pick ourselves which time of day we wear the different color optionsā€¦

also, while youā€™re at itā€¦ go ahead and give us both colors of the mount so i can use the moon one and actually see it for once.


Awesome set. Hopefully we can use it one day with a warden spec.

Itā€™s good to emphasize how bad it will be if any player makes any attempt at mixing these set pieces with other items.

If you make a fully white set -BANG- you got an armor piece turned yellow/grey stuff out of nowhere.

If it matches the day version -ALSO BANG- now you got white stuff right in the middle.

This will be a nightmare. And thatā€™s saying a lot because I like The Emerald Nightmare!


Itā€™s unfortunately going to be either very limiting (ie, the only ā€œgoodā€ match for using part of the set is going to be ā€œuse the rest of the setā€ or ā€œleave armor slots hiddenā€) or very expensive (if you do make a mixed mog with it, paying to transmog everything else whenever the Warden pieces swap since you probably donā€™t have an outfit that matches both the green/gold/grey and white/lavender/silver schemes at the same time).

It really is just killing the potential of the set for anyone who doesnā€™t go for ā€œfull setā€ mogs.


oh noes you done it now blizzord! time of day transmogs!

People are already mad i seeā€¦lol

Give us the option to choose what colour to use, its super lame to have it change colour with time of day, especially if you want to see one colour but can only play during the other colours time of dayā€¦
Do the same with the saber as well, so stupid to not have the option.


The fact that Blizz ignored everyone to push through with this astounds me.

ā€œWeā€™re listening!ā€

ā€œWeā€™d like options with our mogs, not force color changes.ā€

ā€œHereā€™s your Warden mog that you asked for and we listened! And it changes color!!ā€


Do you guys not realize how limited in transmog this will be if they change color? Suddenly if you want to mix and match pieces, your transmog wonā€™t match all because the time of day changes.

I understand you think itā€™s a neat gimmick, and leaving it as an option would be nice. But please release the 2 individual sets at the same time.

Just make the ensemble teach us 3 sets: Green, White, and Color Changing.


You guys really thought people would want a color changing set and not the option to use what they wanted???


The color changing aspect of this set guarantees Iā€™ll never use any part of it for transmog, just as I donā€™t use the color changing mounts. I match or coordinate my mounts to transmog, and I like to mix and match transmog sets, so these color changing items are worthless to me.

I had no idea that this set would be color changing, and if I had known, I wouldnā€™t have bothered to make the effort to get 12 months of the Trading Post finished as soon as possible.

Please reconsider, and add three sets instead of one: one that changes, and one in each colorway. While youā€™re at it, make the mount not change, or add two more of those, one in each colorway.


Itā€™s bad enough the Night Elf racial is based on whether itā€™s day or night, but do you have to do this for a Transmog? :thinking:

I mean people who base their transmog on colour coordination are going to be majorly miffed if they miss out on a particular colour due to the time of the dayā€¦


All I gotta say is it better not be race locked to one race after a year long grind. I wanna put the warden gear on my vulpera and later whatever I make a new DH as they did say more races would be getting all classes so new races for DH are going to be a thing. Also I guess I could forgive the NE if I can wear warden gear as a vulperaā€¦ if I canā€™t then welpā€¦new tree looking mighty burnable lol

I only stayed subbed to think we canā€™t miss a month for the mog.

Iā€™m kind of tired of this fomo cosmetic trend to just hook $$

I wish companies would just focus on making good games.

Gonna add to the overwhelming number of voices asking for us to PLEASE just have two separate armor sets rather than something that changes color depending on the time of day. People like to mix and match sets and roll with certain themes. Someone also may like one color way more than the other, but their work schedule means that they donā€™t hardly see the version that they like.

Itā€™s a gorgeous and wonderfully detailed set.

Now PLEASE make the colors static. It canā€™t be that hard.