Get Spooky for Hallow’s End: Save 50% on Transmogs and Toys

Character Services Sale, please!

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time to milk your playerbase a little bit more right

they wont do it, they hope people will pay full price to swap to dracthyr by next week


I’d like to swap all of my Horde Toons to Alliance. Lok’tar just isn’t in me any more. I have 22 characters to transfer to Alliance, and eventually to a new server. The Price is Wrong, Bobby… The price is so wrong.

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Just bought the $5 murloc toy.

Time to have fun.

There is a perfect reply to this but it would be my last reply ever. So perfectly honed with wit it would cut deeper then any would tolerate.



LMAO! Bro… I know… It’s been a long time coming, and was only solidified when my son (6 y/o) wanted to be a robot boy and a doggy instead of a moo cow or a green hulk monster. :rofl:

Also, I want to know what it feels like to wear shoes. These hooves are just worn the eff out.

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when the subscription is not enough lol

thats why i avoid susbcription based games now, it just get worse, i prefer games with a better shop but without subscription fee…

Now Im intrigued :smiley:

if your talking about the H dungeons i just did 4 stone vault and counted

its a taste of how Broke the Event is going to be next week :slight_smile: and event lasts Until Jan lol

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I’m not sure if I even want to log on next week or just wait for them to iron out the bugs.

Of course there’s always “exploit early” thing which Blizzard almost never rolls back.

Decisions, decisions.

Im just glad im only doing it for the 4 mounts they added and are doing after those im done, Dont care about the mog sure dont care about the toys lol

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I’m going to go after the mogs as well as the mounts.

No idea why since after the event I’ll go back to not playing until another Remix or Plunderstorm comes out.

Revamp the selection in the shop. Your sale is worthless with nothing but old stuff. Maybe if you rotated TP stuff more frequently but there is currently NOTHING in the Shop I want, not even for 50% off :man_facepalming:t5::v:t5:

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If MoP: RemiX is any indication, they’re not above rolling things back if it gets too out of hand. Even in a temporary, for fun, not serious in any way game mode. If something hits retail like this, they’d better do something about it.

I dont care about the mog i havent changed mine in a long long time

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right, because everyone already has all of it!

This is a sale I could get behind. TP stuff I couldn’t afford? Sign me up.

Yeah I get it. It’s cool for those that don’t have it.

I mean i dont have the junk but I also dont have any need for any of the junk lol