Get rid of these add-ons

how is it ‘something wrong with the game’ that there is a chat addon that parses chat to look for groups ?
Sorry but this addon is fine as has been pointed out in the myriad other threads on this topic.

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I despise everything that you are. I do not respect you. Your kind is responsible for ruining what once was. I see through you man.

I agree with you. Unfortunately for many this is a popular opinion. I despise addons that go beyond the standard UI customization. Players say, “well don’t use them” but you know good and well a large number of addons become so common place that it gets to the point where you can’t play the game or get invited to groups if you don’t have those specific addons.


in what way ?
It is basically an RP addon for making groups.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Breaking it’s ability to parse chats would break many RP addons that do the same.
There is automated LFG in game at stones and inkeeprs, is that game breaking too ?

OMG me too. This thread is hilarious.

right on to

Etherob is seriously a few crayons short of a pack and it is greatly entertaining. Oh this is the best. Thanks for helping me pass time with your nonsense.

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And I’m sorry that you’re so desperate to recreate what was clearly a better time in your life.


The anger, you can feel it radiate. I’m a little concerned he actually smashed his keyboard and cannot respond any longer.


Just to stir the pot, I was in multiple different guilds which used auto-invite features to form the raid group. 15 minutes before raid you’d whisper a keyword to the RL and you would be invited instantly. I think it may have taken character level and guild rank into account.

That said, the people saying that add-ons like this existed in vanilla are being disingenuous, and I think they know it. This kind of add-on will change the experience for everyone, I don’t see how that can be debated.

Oh its a totally stupid addon, but do we need ANOTHER post about it?

Personally, I needed another one. These threads get enormous and contribute to my forum stats. lol

Hahaha. Respect.

I dismissed it. I understand it. And I posted in great detail as to why.

Dear god, the over dramatics in this forum is just ridiculous.

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Yes we need to keep talking about this. Its a retailesque feature that undermines the core social/human aspect of gameplay. We talked about an rppvp server even with everyone telling us to shut up and look what happened. We got grobbulobbs ftw!

actually it can.
It will not change the experience for me even one iota. I will still get groups (guild/friends/pugs) without ever using the addon.

Great, another addon post. Isn’t there anything else we can talk about?

Oh, OK. Guess you win this round.

The devs have already said in interviews they would ban any addons that interfered with the feel of classic. If they haven’t banned it or decided to ban it yet, I have faith they would once it shows that is actually changing classic.

They’ve kept to their word on everything so far. I have zero faith in activision/blizzard, but I think the classic dev team has shown they care and listen, and follow through, so far.

Anyway, glad we could discuss today’s flood of outrage posts civilly.

Lol ty for being civil! On other threads i was met with bullying instead of civil debate.

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