Get rid of pvp communities

The only thing that’s different with that is people are using something intended, queueing in parties of 5, and countdown queueing which has already been clarified as something that isn’t an exploit.

You and Celinthia just can’t process the difference.

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Should i send you some screenshots of me starting games 10v40 as a biproduct of that process so you can tell me its intended when it does that?

But this isn’t intended according to blizzard.

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The only “according to Blizzard” is a blue post clarifying that queueing at the same time as someone else isn’t an exploit and is intended.

I have never seen a blizzard blue post saying that. I have seen a blue post saying they don’t agree with it and it’s not healthy and they don’t want people doing it. But you don’t actually care about the game or what blizzard has to say.

que the merry-go-round music.

Show me a blizzard blue post saying what you guys claim.

Sounds very much like something a lot of the posters in this thread do…

Nice brigading of my other post laughing at all the Epic Premaders QQn about how its unfair when an exploit is done to them though

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Let us q raids and that would end. We are popping with other communities and we don’t go in with less than 15. Pugs are dreadful you know…

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If your strictly put against other raid groups I would be all for it…

Whether any premade will want to go universally against another premade all the time though…

Sure… Just like how the twinks wanted to fight only twinks and then when they got that they all quit lol

I am as well, but we all know they would just go into other brackets and the raid vs raid would be dead except for win trading.

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OP I like pvp communities, anything to bring friends together and get more games going… Now Communities able to make Premades vs Pugs thats no good, should be Premade vs Premade.

HUGE player dropoff atm, and this early we will feel it for the rest of the expansion, more friends and communities to keep queues going is a good thing.

I’m all for raid queues, more than happy to make your job easier. Only if its raid vs raid with no one added to it. Let pugs vs pugs be a thing again and ban sync queue to ensure it (since it won’t be needed with raid queue)


The fact that Blizzard has a dedicated support article to it calling it an exploit.

You’ll want to report anyone using this exploit via an email to

Make sure to include any evidence you have, including names, screenshots/videos, timestamps, etc.

Define exploiting.

Well until that happens which it probably wont do me a favor and stop dropping.

Having games start 10v40 cause blizzard won’t return the game to being community based when it has not been that community heavy for the past idk 5 or 6 expansions and re instating raid queing which they took out of the game for a reason is pretty petty.

I’ll be sure to report everyone in brute force for gripping jeron off his tower to kill him below when he normally leashes back up using the same tactic.


Go for it. I don’t think anything will happen, but you’re welcome to report anything you feel is against the rules.

Not gonna lie, a lot of people in the communities aren’t any better.


Are you trying to get this thread closed as well?

I’m betting he’s one of the folks who reported my thread on how pugs ruin epic BGs. :rofl:

Here’s how pug vs. pug usually plays out:

Everyone charges in, 40 vs. 40, for the first big fight. As soon as one faction loses, half their team bails, leaving it a lopsided 40 vs. 15. They never adapt or learn any other strategy. Then, when they face a premade, they’re clueless and can’t do anything.

What’s worse is that if someone actually tries to lead and help them (pugs) win, they refuse to listen. And where do they go next? Straight to the forums to complain.