Ask yourself, is heavy expensive chain mail armor something a Hunter who’s primary assets are stealth and speed would wear?
Or does leather, a material much more readily available and lighter make much more sense for an outdoorsman, which according to the Hunter class description we are?
Honestly at this point… yeah I agree and put Drakthyr in Cloth as well because otherwise honestly just going to Transmog Dracthyr starting gear on because Mail looks trash
Like still don’t know why people are upset about Dracthyr and Transmog like have they seen Mail armour before?
I think it’s more of a transmog thing, but I’d almost argue the restrictions in place are way too much and should just be lifted.
Pre Cataclysm you could equip and wear up to your highest armor type. Paladins could wear Cloth, Leather, Mail, and Plate. Often times it happened as the stats on some items were better. Heck their were agility pieces that were better than strength depending on their stat budget. If you could equip it then it should be learnable. Barring class specific items like tier, the restriction just needs to go.
Sure it would make warriors farming transmog OP, but transmog farming and collecting is supposed to be about fun and running certain classes through some old content is pretty boring.
Purely from a class fantasy design little of the mog/armor type restrictions make sense anyways, fire Mage/Warlock wear cloth… which means they should constantly set themselves on fire without elemental resistances which are gone now.
Hunters wear mail which…is not only expensive, but heavy as well, one of the many reasons nobody ever wore a full suit of the stuff and instead went partial or piece mail.
Speaking of partial armor types like we had before Legion, this would usually be how most people wore armor: two or more types intermeshed… full plate/mail/cloth/leather was rarely if ever a thing, especially for mail/plate.
It did always seem weird to me. I feel like leather does suit both classes more thematically. I guess because they used to be leather until 40 and then upgrade, to parallel the paladin and warrior transition from mail to plate. But when they made the change to have pallies and warriors always be in plate I think they should have made hunters and shamans be always in leather, with all mail gear just changed to leather.
The whole armor type trade off and any semblance to reality has been completely abandoned.
There was a time when heavier armor meant more protection and less mobility. But now we have plate wearers flying through the air leaving cloth wearers in the dust and tanks in leather.
My guess is they’re completely and utterly jealous – Simply wanting all the mail transmogs to be moved over towards leather, all for their transmogable delights
Cant take you too seriously if you don’t even bother to double check for typos. Then you spell it the EU spelling and the US spelling of it in the same sentence, yet don’t use proper EU grammar.