Well it’s about time.
Even more PVP fodder.
If they can pull it off right, sounds good to me. There are a list of decent cross format games that we like. Skyrim for one.
Though I hope those Xbox controllers have a LOT of buttons, lol.
Big difference between adding controller support and porting to a console.
Is it really that big of a leap to port wow once you’ve figured out the UI?
Serious question for tech people.
They’d be foolish to not open up the game to millions of potential customers.
Depending on how you have set out the source, it could be a huge job to port to another architecture even though the consoles are still using amd64 parts.
DCUO did it I don’t see why Blizz cant
If FFXIV can be played on a console controller, WoW can too. FF has waaaay more buttons on the average dps spec.
Imagine trying to do a heroic raid on a console w/ controller and without DBM/BW.
Will be nice for doing dailies tho
You hoping for cross-play so you can finally win some arenas?
Just messing.
More players is good for everybody.
Besides I won’t lie, doing world quests does seem more appealing from the couch on a large TV.
It’d be fine with me. My tv is awesome.
Yikes, people acting like this is a good thing.
That was my thought too.
Don’t own an xbox since the original was released, it’s still somewhere in this house. Looking forward to pvp’ers claiming they lost cause they’re using a controller.
Also has twice the length of the global cooldown.
I don’t think anyone is saying that the game CAN’T be played with a controller, it is the fact that you are severely gimping yourself by doing so. Using a controller is worse than even clicking.
FF is way slower than WoW.
Have you seen the character creation screen in Shadowlands? It’s like a spray gun just spraying the words “coming to console” all over a giant wall.
Well, I learned something from this thread
Switch plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz