Get Ready for the Molten Front and Season of Discovery Phase 5!

Get Ready for the Molten Front and Season of Discovery Phase 5!

There’s a bounty of adventure waiting for players in Cataclysm Classic and in Season of Discovery Phase 5. Players will be able to begin preparing to face Ragnaros in the Firelands when the Molten Front goes live early in Cataclysm Classic on September 17. Those taking part in Season of Discovery can venture into danger within Blackwing Lair and Zul’Gurub on September 26.

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reminder that there’s like 3 threads on the cata PTR forum section because classic cata players gave up on any hope to get things fixed or meaningful changes to the expansion…


I loved the Molten Front back in Cata. I have no idea why I remember it so fondly.

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Why do they keep releasing things simultaneously? So M+ drops the same time as Molten Front. :frowning: I wish it was a staggered approach. Lawd.


i remember it fondly cause of the elemental spiders hunters could tame after figuring out their specific gimmick, still remember hunting down Deth’tilac and kiting him for what felt like 30 minutes while everyone gathered around watching, just praying that none of them would troll and interrupt my taming attempt.

So you are launching P5 without launching the new realms first? You fully plan on destroying guilds in the middle of BWL progression? Really? REALLY? Can you just end the project now cause no one is taking this seriously at all.


Can we get our TBC era server yet? None of this temporary stuff interests me. Cata is beyond Classic era.


I love how there is a SoD forum, a Cata forum, a HC forum and a Retail forum and yet the players and posters come here to let us playing Era know about these Non-Vanilla Era things.

Sorry guys but I am not interested in those non vanilla games, excluding HC; you guys are cool tho.

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Give me TBC or give me death! :laughing:


TBC fresh when


One must wonder why the official SoD update is in the Era forums :joy:

Maybe even blizzard doesn’t wanna post in the SoD forums, they are angry and vicious over there.


Give us some actual communication about your future realm plans. Allow people to actually plan accordingly. The majority of us are adults, we like communication.


Sometimes I get irked that retail players don’t bother to read which forum they’re posting in, and thus end up posting in an unrelated forum.

Then Blizzard employees say, “Hold my beer…”

:clown_face: :beer:


Even Blizzard is posting on the wrong forum :rofl: :joy:

This is the Classic Era forum.

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After further consideration, with Blizzard’s inability to properly code SoD updates, without producing negative repercussions on Classic ERA, maybe they posted this as a warning?


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WoW Token was promised to never be introduced into the game.

Allowing the true Classic Playerbase to play Vanilla Era → TBC Era → WotLK Era; would be the appropriate love letter to the Classic World of Warcraft player. To progress on one’s own time, to move onto the next expansion if one decides to do so.

To play these games as they were then. Stop changing the game.

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So you’re tuning raids for 10/20 players and allowing twice as many to enter. Any scaling at all, or do we instead get the enjoyment of watching brand new content with additional levels of difficulty get blasted through by far more than the intended amount of raiders. Sounds like a great way to turn an entire phase into a loot fiesta.

one day. ONE DAY. blizzards bot will figure out where the classic forums are. for all the 32 people interested in cata classic.


They probably have data that shows the overlap of people who do both retail and classic is small.

Geee thanks blizz release BWL/ZG before cata P2 even tho P1 has been going on for 18 weeks now and you give us P1.75 we want Firelands not some slap in the face hold my beer and stand there in the corner like a red headed step child!!!