Get Ready for the Molten Front and Season of Discovery Phase 5!

Actually the title for the forums they posted this in is called General Discussion. TWW discussion happens here because they dont make a separate forum for retail anymore.

Probably should feel mad that the experiments get their own.

The intern made a mistake though because its not even posted in the cata forums.

pls tbc servers pls blizz

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This post was formerly in “Classic Genera” now its in the Retail General forums.

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Bring on the Molten Front, and Hyjal rare challenge tames! My hunters are ready :slightly_smiling_face:

If you played on a pvp realm the place was a slaughterhouse when current lol.

So… this is to funny and maybe I need glasses, but what in the actual hell?? There is no HD graphics in that after picture. It literally looks the same quality to me just a screen shot 1-2 secs later. lol

fire cats everyone loves being clawed to death by firecats in pvp

Wrong forum man I’m getting Cata PTSD.

The third move is going to be the one.



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RIGHT? lol

But what is the correct destination? SoD or cata forums?

I always wonder how populated cata servers are. Is anyone even playing it? The game pretty much took a nose dive in popularity around that time.

Both. Copy and paste. That’s why CM’s get the big bucks.

To be honest, I’m surprised this wasn’t an X/Twitter exclusive, for the safe space it provides.

Love this SOD moving with this pace! Any chance tank warriors can get a threat buff for the upcoming raids? Having a lot of trouble keeping up with all of the other tank classes!

Wahh wahh wahhh wahhhh

Up until the release of TWW cata servers at least mine were quite populated. Its 16 weeks into clearing BWD/BOT and throne so the raid loggers are taking their pre next content patch break as well.

For the most part its not as dead as everyone was predicting when it was first announced.

That’s what I hear when I decline your class constantly to Mythics.

This is way too soon for SOD P5. Only 2.5 months of Firelands? My guild has yet to even see 1 Eye of Divinity. These phases should at least be 3 months. Haven’t even gotten started on my alt or ranked up to rank 10 …

This is way too soon for SOD P5. Only 2.5 months of Firelands? My guild has yet to even see 1 Eye of Divinity. These phases should at least be 3 months. Haven’t even gotten started on my alt or ranked up to rank 10 …

same sound i hear when i decline draenei to mythics.