Get Ready For Pain

6 new PvP consumables are making their way to the WM vendor in 10.1.

Two of these, Prismatic Snail Mucus and Volatile Flames, can be macro’d together in burst macros, along with elemental potion of power and saltwater potions.

Hold onto your butts.


isnt player stamina also going up in next patch?
even stevens?

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It is but damage with all of those stacking modifiers will be crazy in bgs.

I already use saltwaters macroed with the elemental potions and can reach 120k starsurges.

With the 10.1 buffs and these consumables I can gain another 25% on top + 50% crit and it sends starsurges to crazy heights not to mention Goldrinn procs.

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Thanks for info will def follow up

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I wish it was something to the equivalent of deep coral pods. I loved those things!


Is that like the slime in Ashran? The one that makes you faster for a few seconds?

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Are any of them defensive? I like the current pvp vender consumes. I restock after every BG because you can only have 5 charges of each at a time. The +20% hp one is macroed to my defensive.

Will be a bit sad if it’s just stuff to increase burst damage.


Deep coral Pod let you jump excessive distances and was great as ranged in bfa to kite melee.


There is one that increases your armor by 300% but slows you by 30%, and there’s a heal consumable that heals you for 20% max health + 15% over 15 seconds.

Oh wow. I’ve already got elemental potion and saltwater macro’d to my dps/trinket cooldown.

Guess I’ll have to make room for a few more lines. :grin:

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Oh I like the sounds of that. Any idea if they will share cds with other stuff?

The offensive ones don’t share cds, otherwise they wouldn’t stack

Why does Blizz contradict themselves so frequently? They’ve stated that stacking modifiers are problematic. They’ve done numerous reworks to reduce that type of behavior. They’re now talking about increasing stamina because they want players to have time to react to incoming damage.

And then they turn around and add numerous additional modifiers to stack? This will just bring us right back to square one, if not in worse shape than before, and render all the time and effort they’ve put into these adjustments as a total waste of resources.



What magic potions are you chugging?!


They all have a 5 min CD right ? And they nerfed base crit 25 percent , should be fine .

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They all have a 1 minute cooldown and you could pop all 6 of them if you wanted.

There’s one that increases your armor by 300%, but reduces your movement speed by 30%. BUT, you can use another which increases your movement speed by 30% and decrease your HP by 10%.

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Just good aoe healing and being in the right places at the right time. I died more than usual (while you died 0) so it was likely reinforcing nodes under heavy attack/spinning, roaming around cause healers base sitting is generally bad. You perhaps need more experience and/or gear healing on your druid. As you can see several dps did more damage than you did healing and I’ve seen Rdruids put out some impressive numbers.

I never know when we’re in the same games together. Consumes help but I’m not using anything that unusual. Third Wind potion and wild truffle macroed to my defensive wall. Phial of Tepid Versatility. Is that deepwind gorge? Using goblin gliders and Wild Dragon Fruit really helps get to nodes in time to save them.

ok they sound just like all the current stuff we have. Probably also 5 charges each. Huh, I mean these do sound nice and all but that’s a lot of stuff to keybind and track. I’ll almost certainly be macroing the defensive ones to my defensive abilities and using the other stuff sparingly. Or make a separate macro with several of them on it.


Probably. But that wasn’t me.


Where are you getting these from then ;D

Someone in that game.
