Get Ready For Pain

Oh, IoC. Then just being in team fights, winning hangar, and getting murdered while healing the Horde killing glaives. Looks like that druid was doing stuff that was more safe, like base sitting hangar. I might have done about the same healing he did total in the initial hangar fight from all the aoe healing and CDs that get used there. Jump down to secure mid after hangar or glider to base to prepare for glaives. Suiciding for glaives is the name of the game.

In IoC base sitting as heals can be correct since losing something like Hangar to a heavy attack because no healers stayed would be really bad. I usually only base sit in IoC if the game is so one sided that it doesn’t look like they will need me healing to win (and I’m bored), or perhaps if the Alliance is being unusually aggressive about retaking hangar.

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Do you check the scoreboard after your games?

Or you’re like… Meh, I could have done more healing.

Who doesn’t check the score board before leaving? Even if I know I did bad numbers for whatever reason I still glance at top few damage and healing to get a general sense of the match up and see who performed especially well. Sometimes I’m also competing with other healers to see who snipes the most. There is another shaman healer named Helixr in SAS community that does similar numbers as me.

Well ok if the game was extremely boring, I’ll leave without looking. Some games queuing with SAS are like that. Too stompy to care about. I try to switch to normal random bgs with players from a different community at that point. More competitive.

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I’m just surprised this IOC game didn’t register in your memory.

I guess it’s a normal game for you.


Looks like a normal game. A little more healing than normal for IoC because there was apparently less healing competition. Probably a lot of bored base-sitting healers.

Hmm actually, I did get into an IoC yesterday with only 1 group of SAS players (everyone else got different games) that was especially difficult and basically came down to a boss race because the pugs were so bad (pardon my language) about getting on glaives despite me Raid Lead and Raid Warning nagging them ;d. A few times I was the only one on glaives and using all my CDs to stay alive, only managing to distract them and get a tiny amount of flameshock damage.

We had plenty of Horde on Defense, but they were fighting outside the wall and in towers instead of pushing to glaives -_- I remember one time that game a glaive even stopped on the way to kill me along with the alliance team, which might have been the difference between win and loss. Me and 1 rogue managed to kill 2 glaives by ourselves as I blew all my defensive CDs. I was somewhat prouder of that particular win than normal since I felt that I was extremely impactful.

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I look forward to using these new consumables since they look really powerful, but on the other hand this will only widen the gap in random bgs between those using them and those not. Cause I’m certain that most players don’t bother stocking up on these every game. Some players won’t even know what they are lol.

It actually costs so much Rousing Ire to do so that you’ll likely end up depending on the AH to keep supplied, or have to use the items sparingly. This is kind of like the difference in the older expansions between having engineering and not having engineering.

I suspect the average bg pvper doesn’t use more than some goblin gliders. Probably not even stuff like saltwater potions.

You have to wonder if these even should be usable in BGs. The Wild Dragon Fruit can even be used while running the flag. The Warbanner of Ire is the only item on the vendor restricted to Dragon Isles. Well ofc the wpvp set bonuses don’t work either.

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Yeah, I’m not a fan of power gaps in PvP. I think PvP should be more skill-oriented (and less about gear and whatnot).

If there was a flask to double my dps/hps, I wouldn’t use it in bgs. That’s not fun for me.

I know some random bgers love their power gaps though.

(tinfoil hat) Could be a plow from Blizzard to get us to buy more token gold. I bet the price of Rousing Ire is going to go up after 10.1 as supply diminishes. Token gold value might lower a bit as well. Probably a good idea to stock up now.

Kind of the same as making us more and more dependent on crafters/professions to get BiS gear. Open that wallet cause a lot of people will shell out for BiS and most of them do not spend the time making in game gold (and I don’t blame them cause that’s boring). Like a soft p2w incentive that preys/depends on human nature. I don’t mind but some people get so upset that Blizzard is “nickel and diming” them. Buying the occasional token is hardly p2w. If the “necessary” gold sinks increase more and more than that will change entirely. How much is too much is subjective though.


WAT. You can use it to get a big speed boost with the flag until you get to 6 stacks. Unless you have blessing of freedom or other snare breakers then slows are still going to screw you. It’s helpful but not necessary more impactful than a DH or druid zooming the flag across at breakneck pace.

Same as Horde being able to slow fall the flag to mid field in Twin Peaks using gust potions and parachute cloak, or class abilities like slow fall.

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I never really look at scorecards except as healer as I’m always defending or doing some mundane thing like recalls or whatnot. my personal victory is making sure I accomplish those goals so I’ll never top a board sadly :frowning: …A well placed rift and recap of a tower wont really help me on the board …but hey we won!!! Being a defender is really depressing as everyone only pats the healers and dps on the back really. I think i need to stop defending lol

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The new consumables can’t be used in BGs. It doesn’t state that on the tooltip, but when they were doing PvP with the blues, I noticed these on the vendor immediately and bought some.

They couldn’t be used in the BG.

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Really? I got a bg to pop and was able to use them in there.

I hope this is true.

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It could’ve changed? When I tried it was on April 14th when they did PvP with the Blues. This was before they even announced these being on the vendor on Wowhead, so it’s possible they fixed it after playing with the devs.

It gave me a wrong area error when I tried to use it. :dracthyr_shrug:

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I would expect them to eventually not allow them in instanced unrated pvp but the other ones are allowed so not sure why the new ones wouldn’t be either.

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Fun times!


Look at it this way
Some specs already massive out or under perform in BGs.
Most people aren’t chugging consumables, but if you really want to play an underperforming spec then you can and at least have the option to be on more even footing with the stronger specs who’s players are mostly not chugging consumables.
It can be a way to bridge that gap.

Also, this game has always been just as much about preparation before a fight as much as pure mechanical skill expressed in combat. Doing research and knowing what items / stats / talents to abuse and get an edge is just in the DNA of the game. It’s not really just about stomping less prepared players to feel big.

You say most people aren’t chugging consumables. That includes players on underperforming specs.

What happens when people on stronger specs use consumables? The power gap becomes even larger.

It can also be a way to widen the gap.

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My point of view hinges on the idea that the gap is already there.
Having the option to bridge that gap seems like the lesser of two evils compared to just letting the gap persist.

I could maybe see something like PvP consumables in instanced PvP having differing levels of effectiveness based on your PvP ilvl. Like a saltwater potion increasing damage by 30% for someone who is 424, but 50% for someone who is 398.
Then we keep the dynamic of being rewarded for preparation, which has always been central to WoW, and the gap doesn’t spiral as wildly out of control.