"get ready for a Classic Summer!"

Actually thank you for stealing my cruel joke that “Summer 2019” begins in December in Australia, hedging my expectations of a northern-hemisphere August-at-the-latest Classic launch. :wink:

Its okay, the joke was fun while it lasted all the same. :smile:

You can make it up to us by confirming there will be at least one oceanic pvp server.


THIS is why the dev team dont tell us anything…we dissect every word to hell and back.


Onyxia flies about her lair counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.


This is why public forums are really witch hunts in disguise.


Summer covers several months. So is January 2019 summer also? We missed the window!

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Dang, they are really well off if that’s true.

Will be a tad upset if it is the case that Classic releases that late into the Summer, but would much prefer it comes out the right way even if it does take some time. Will be playing my eyes out for much time once it releases!

As a victim of your cruel and careless statement, I accept your apology subject to you confirming there’s Oceanic servers for classic.

I think you’re taking this a wee bit more seriously than everyone else.

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Just release it before the 21st of March. No need to be sorry.



We’re not. We actually get expansions before you, so…

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lolnope. Blizz doesn’t give 2 sh*ts about us Oceanic players as they’ve shown time and time again with retail WoW. We’ll be stuck at 350ms trying to backstab someone while the game still thinks we’re mounted in the graveyard because it’s far too expensive to open and run servers in Australia for what will be a minimal amount of players in Classic.

They have servers for Overwatch in Sydney.

They’ll have some OCE servers. I played on Frostmourne and aussies seem to have better trade chat.

Why are you visiting the forum of a game you have so much disdain for? Sounds like a horrible waste of time.


Blizzard almost always strategically releases content patches and expansions directly alongside any other competitors in the industry. With FFXIV shadow bringers expac is launching July 2nd, you can bet your breeches that classic will release +/- 2 weeks of FFXIV (finished or not) to make sure they land those subs that would otherwise be considering the new FFXIV xpac. I’m calling it now

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lifts monocle

That’s a wild theory you have there. Let’s plug in the numbers to test it out.

World of Warcraft released on November 23rd, 2004. N o | v e m |b e r. No Vem Ber. Eight letters. FFXIV

X = 10
I = 1
V = 5

10 -1 /5 = 1.8

F is the 6th letter in the alphabet. Double F. Double six. 66. 66 / 1.8 = 36.6

Jaina Proudmoore is a mage. At level 36.6 mages have access to the BLIZZARD RANK 3.


World of warcraft Classic will be the THIRD time Blizzard tampered with Azeroth. The first time during during World of Warcraft. The second during World of Warcraft Cataclysm and the third time… World of Warcraft Classic…

Nice find Pwnyride!



Hey that makes me think, IF we get real Oceanic servers this time round, will Winter Squid be fishable in our winter?