"get ready for a Classic Summer!"

I’m ready guys!

Also, Classic Summer to me implies that we’ll be enjoying it over the Summer. We can’t do that if it’s released in mid-August or later!


If you are right, (But don’t think so) then they need to get release date out so I can put in for vacation time.


I doubt it means any of that specifically, but it’s good to see confirmation that a summer release is still on target (regardless of when in summer that is)


To me summer starts in June. This is the latest Classic can release and get in my “play” rotation. After that and I’ll be too heavy into my other games newly released expansions to bother with it. It’ll be another ‘miss’ from blizz.


blizzard will release classic on their time table… not yours.


And I don’t care. What about that don’t you get? Meaning, I don’t care if I play classic or not. I’m at that point with this company. Am I curious about it since I never played back then? Sure. If I don’t play it will it bother me? No. Other games I play are releasing new expansions by June so I’ll be busy with them. If classic releases by then I’ll add it to my play rotation. If not I won’t. It’s a simple statement of fact not my trying to tell them when they have to release it.


Summer begins on 21June this year. If your other games begin before that you’ll most likely not be there for the launch.
The good news is you can pick it up and play it at any time since it’ll be static.


I mean I’m not sure this game is catered to you… I’m dropping every game I play for classic when it comes out.


Why are you here then? You’re not really contributing.


My man!!!

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It would be nice if Classic came out at the beginning of summer rather than the end. The fact that they’re still playing so coy with the release date means I won’t hold my breath.


Where is this from? Not the “Summer 2019” thing, I was watching BlizzCon live when they announced that. I mean the “Get ready for a Classic Summer!” tagline. It sounds like you pulled it from somewhere.

EDIT: Derp, I found it. It didn’t occur to me to look at the pinned threads for some reason.

Early summer would be nice, but I’m not going to take that comment to mean anything specifically.

Though whenever it comes out I’ll be playing a lot of it. I’m honestly not all that excited about the lineup of games this year thus far for anything else.

So far my favourite game of the year was a remake of a 1998 game(Resident Evil 2), and the one I’m most excited for is a recreation of a 2004 game(WoW).


I wonder if “soon” means big news in the upcoming week. Ah, I can hardly take it anymore.


All we know is that soon means it will be here before the end of time.


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My body is ready.


Nah, this is the new soon from the sticky. Not normal Blizzard soon.

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Unfortunately he used a soon not on the current chart of Blizzard soons.

but we know it’s not Kaplan Very Soon(that timeframe has passed), which means it would have to be between Soonerino and Very Soon.


To bad my second job starts late / Mid Summer, well I can miss having a social life for a bit of WoW N Work. Ti’s the dream!

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In Australia, “Summer 2019” starts December 1st…