My graphix drivers can handle DF just fine. I don’t think Classic is that demanding to require any updates
Fresh Classic Pvp when?
I feel the same way about M+
Group activity is gonna be JAMMIN for the first 20 levels or so. For as long as Hardcore remains a thing. I’ve always had this habit of starting new alts but kind of losing steam a long way from max level. I know a lot of starter content like the back of my hand and it’s going to be fun for me to do it again… and again… and again…
I can’t wait to run RFC repeatedly with a real group. Because anymore, if I queue a new alt for a baby dungeon, some hero is going to take the reins and ramrod through the thing solo, and I’m left plodding behind looting piles of corpses, wondering why I bothered. To me, that is worse that watching paint dry.
Will be fun, interesting that you can trade and use AH, players will be scrambling to get to high level to farm things to sell to low levels.
I’m wondering how many days I can go without sleep…
You’d want to see westfall or darkshore. that is where the body count starts to rise.
I’ve lost a few in darkshore, I can’t judge them lol.
I don’t see it as a problem, to have less divided the playerbase it is enough to decrease the number of servers for each “version”.
Blizzard please release a hardcore pvp server
How this idea made it to a live server I have no clue. Never go into dungeons or raids, never engage in a boss fight, grind small numbers of trash mobs to max level. Done. How boring.
For someone who fears death and finds risk unacceptable, I guess that player would never do dungeons or raids or much of anything, ho hum. The whole point is that some players can have some fun taking a risk. I plan to try it, I expect to have my characters die by level 20 (cuz that’s how I roll), and I enjoy playing the low levels on different races so I just might keep coming back for more.
I like the hardcore paradigm that death is inevitable, because it’s only a game. In retail/classic, death is impossible. In real life, death is inevitable but the stakes are too high for me to take risks! But, this is only a game and I can “safely” push it.
Unless you have social skills and develop bonds with people and they help you make a new character and gear it up, I did that for people that were hacked back in classic, its not impossible if you’re dedicated.
But for the let us eat cake all day and ice cream for breakfast crowd it will not go over well.
I am going to start with a Night Elf Rogue, I’m in it for the double stealth… if/when that one dies, I’ll figure out something else.
Not usually a H.C. type player, but I love a good challenge.
Everything you said is wrong. People raid, run dungeons and everything else other than PvP.
so who is taking the night elf menethil harbor run lol
So like, level cap be like 87% hunters I guess?
If you did the other players can loot all your items and gear
Playing hardcore on an online game subject to server malfunction and internet slow-downs is a really, really circuitous form of masochism.
Just… go play Dark Souls or something.
Defias Pillagers going to be racking up the kills.
I do the swim to Westfall… because I am chicken when it comes to the run. lol
im going to play it safe and roll a Human