Get Hot Summer Rewards in the July Trading Post

Why though? This pet was never advertised as not coming back, in fact blizz said it would and just never has until now (and in 15 years there has been a LOT of Olympics since then that they could have brought it back for.)

The original method to get it was time limited RNG as usual, I bet there were peeps playing and trying for it back then who never got it which makes it feel unfair, bringing it back is a good thing. :smiley:


It’s another good month, an’ it looks like Blizzard are makin’ use o’ some o’ those assets that were datamined fer Tenders other than 100.

Dang it Blizz, you managed to do it. I always scoffed at gatekeepers, but now I’m going to be a hypocrite. I really really liked how rarely I see people dig out their netherdrakes. How it either meant you’ve been playing a long time, or you took the time to go back and farm it without the benefit of the perks of it being the current expansion. Now we’ll start seeing this everywhere, and it won’t feel as special when everyone is riding around on one.

OK. OK. Sulk over. It’s cool, and I hope people enjoy it. (and the black and green ones will still be uncommon sights.)

Honestly, if they keep it at promotional items I’m cool with it. Glad/challenge/aotc mounts should never see the trading post imo. That’s the line for me personally, where I’d start getting mad.

It’s a new mount thankfully, those original Netherdrakes will keep the dust on 'em. What I like about this new one is that we can get it to dragonfly right away.

Luckily for me, the color of this netherdrake is my favorite one of the bunch, but I wouldn’t mind seeing other colors made available in the future through manuscripts…minus the horrid RNG, hopefully.


Probably all the previous netherdrakes already have the DR mechanic available for 10.1.5.

Netherdrakes aren’t rare at all, a lot of players have these mounts and player who don’t have these mounts probably don’t care about collecting.

" If you start at the very beginning of the quest line during Timewalking, once you complete the quest Ally of the Netherwing you will be rewarded with 63000 rep which takes you from zero rep straight to revered."

That’s during Timewalking, now imagine during the Diablo event that provides 100% more reputation, grinding this reputation isn’t the same as old expansions that you needed to farm nether eggs for weeks/months, now it takes a couple of hours.


Probably, but they don’t have updated textures. That’s what I mean, I guess. And customization options like the other DR mounts would be nice. Even so, the netherdrakes aged surprisingly well.

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Baby Blizzard Bear FTW!

Ah yes, the “It doesn’t hurt you, if you want want it, don’t buy it” argument.

My dude, take a real hard look at the video game industry today. Do you see the rampant monetization? The ever-increasing cash grabs like OW2? Yeah, ALL of that is at the feet of everyone who habitually gave it that pass. “It’s optional. You don’t have to buy it if you don’t want to.” That only encouraged companies to do it because people like you gave tacit permission by justifying it.

Also, here’s another play from that MTX 101 playbook. Have you noticed the prices on the TP have gone up since its release? We’re now at a point where there are several things that are between 750-900 tenders. You don’t introduce MTX into a system that provides free premium currency and keep the value of that currency the same. That gives little incentive for people to purchase. So what you do is devalue that free currency bit-by-bit, and we’re in that phase now. At launch 1K tenders bought A LOT. Now it buys a few smaller things or one large thing. The next step is to start pricing items over 1K so you either have to save up or, and this is the important part so listen good, pay to obtain more off the in-game shop.

This is BASIC MTX MANIPULATION that’s been done ad nauseum in other games for going on two decades now. It’s so frustrating seeing people regurgitating the same hurr hurr defense/denial statements like it’s not going to just run over everyone like a freight train anyway.


The real question is… Will the netherdrake be a new one or just an appearance for the highland drake?

My +1 mount counter wants to know.

Seems alright. Too bad I’m gonna miss it today is my last day of the sub. Maybe in 10.2 or 10.3? :person_shrugging:

The fel staff, the aldorai mace, and the antoran felspire are all original appearances. Not sure what more you want.

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Only if my male KT can wear it too.

Cool rewards but when are those datamined Scarlet Crusade transmog sets coming? :eyes:

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I don’t even know what the trading post is. Just came back to the game recently.

Here’s a good article for you. :dracthyr_heart:

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I hope you put my orc eyes in the store I would like to buy back my lava eyes with pupils. And the next time you have a dance thing I better hear the music I just heard. That was cool.

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Hope they put the two unused heritage armor tints for Mechagnome in the trading post

Extra rusty and oxidized? :thinking: