Get Hot Summer Rewards in the July Trading Post

Rusty, and extra chrome.
Currently we have 50/50 Bronze and chrome :slight_smile:

We’re not getting the troll set this month ? That was the only thing i was looking forward to get

Is this the one from farming rep in bc?

Sweet! Looking forward to getting that scorpion mount along with the other mount for participating in the Trading Post activities for the month. :smiley:

Would also love to get that Spectral Tiger Cub pet, But I won’t have enough Trader’s Tender once I purchase the mount.

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I have a feeling the price on the BOE one on the ah will tank so you may be able to just pick it up off the AH :slight_smile:

This…just dissapoints me…been playing sence wrath and ive had my tyraels charger sence i pre ordered diablo 3, and now everyone can get it again. Why not make a new mount instead of ruining this special limited mount. Next thing you know theyll be giving away the black battle tank from the opening of aj. As much as ied like that rare mount, it wouldnt feel right to get it when thoes that earned it have it(as limited as it maybe)

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Good looking month of items! I’m glad others get a chance to have a little spectral kitten and to pick up the charger if goblin didn’t drop one last month. I’m looking forward to collecting the recolor cloak sets the most - must have them all!

Giving away items that were original promotional is one thing but they’ve said that they weren’t touching “earned” rewards right? Like Glad mounts and I think the AQ mount falls under the “earned” reward bracket. If they aren’t giving out spectral tiger mount or glad mounts, then AQ mount should also be safe.

Any chance we can get Blademaster beads as a helmet transmog? They would look good on monks as well.

But sometimes games will have first time buy deal like say 1000 chicken tendies is 10$ but they throw in 200 or 300 extra chicken tendies for free, thus them showing the 1000 chicken tendies asset image AND the 200-300 chicken tendies asset image. Mobile games like call of duty mobile are infamous for doing stuff like this but this is a common mobile game micro transaction tactic.

ah, I see. OK, that makes sense.

oh no, please no. I can imagine them changing to have the new rounded puppy dog faced snouts and soft wings.

I didn’t mean updating the old ones. I just meant that I wanted other colors and customizations for the upcoming dragonriding mount.

I love getting the extra tendies. It would be nice if the mount was still at 1000 and then the extra 200 would feel more like a bonus than obligation. That’s very minor though.

Getting 20 for some things, even if very easy and minor things, just feels non impactful to me. If I was 50 short it doesn’t push me over the threshold and the next thing I do often pushes me way over a threshold. Seems like minimum of 50 point increments would work better with how the system prices tendie acquisition check points as well as how items are priced to purchase.

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there were no perk benefits when it was current.

in fact, it’s been easier to do since it stopped being current.

there is more than one ravager spawn in the mine at any given time.
less people are hunting eggs.
everything can be one-shot.
…just to name a few.


yeah, rewatch the promo vid - it made it seem like 200 extra tendies would be a gift and not an additional 400 Traveler Points to grind out for the regular reward?

Really they just made the reward more expensive vs giving us extra tenders

Ever since I read somewhere that the new mount looks like a shark I can’t unsee it.

Anyways I like the mount but it would’ve been nice to ride outside of the Dragon isles. Just the way things are for now… I hope all is going well. I hope next patch blows the whole expansion out of the water. Huge comeback time, Get that massive juicy patch ready to show at Blizzcon. Thunderous applause :partying_face: :zap: Here is hoping.


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Yep. I juxtaposed what I meant. I meant what you said for sure, much easier when you outlevel everything and can one shot, etc.
thanks for catching that.