Get Hot Summer Rewards in the July Trading Post

A toggle was datamined a while ago, but it hasn’t been actually implemented. A list of possible mounts to be added to the Dragon Riding system was also datamined, but also not actually implemented. Probably won’t see anything more until 10.2 or later.

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I saw that but It’ll be great if Devs clarify those kind of things to the community…instead of datamining.

True, which is why I said we probably won’t see anything from Blizzard until 10.2 or later because they, themselves, most likely don’t know how they want to do it. All we know for certain is that they want to carry Dragon Riding forward into future expansions and expand it to the rest of the game. Ion also acknowledged they don’t want to devalue the hundreds of other mounts, either.

As to how that plays out… all we have is speculation based on the datamining.

Super cringe, wish you would stop making old hard to obtain items free on the trading post. Undermines the effort and thought that players put into your game in the past.

What’s coming next month, mop challenge sets?


Careful, all the fomo babies about to come for your throat. Can’t complain about your time and effort being wasted around here- they’re gonna get all exclusive rewards released for free and then take a year long break and beg for everything they missed during that year per usual

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Oh! Thats a good idea! I got the Rogue one but the mage one would be cool!


Well, I don’t see any hard to obtain item…just promotion items.

I don’t see challenge mode, gladiators, AOTC items so far. Where’s the item that was hard to obtain via in game content?


As someone with the set, I say:



People are hanging on to some seriously desperate denial using that excuse. So what if it’s odd amounts? You know what no one else trying that defense is noticing, though? The images themselves.

What do I mean? MTX has long used psychological tactics to increase profit. Companies like EA and Activision have literally gone through the papers commissioned by Vegas casinos back in the day to study and determine the best ways to part people with their money. This is why casinos use chips. They put a layer of separation between you and your physical money. It’s easier to spend “plastic chips” than actual hard currency, because at a subconscious level there’s a disconnect between the two. It’s no accident that when it comes to in-game MTX purchases game companies almost always implement a 1-2 tier premium currency system rather than have players buy items directly with money. It’s using the same logic. And it works.

And here we’ve got a perfect example of another form of psychological manipulation, one used in countless games already. The icons for lower quantities of tender only show a single coin. The next level a few more. The next level shows a virtual pile of coins. This might not seem out of the ordinary to you, but I assure you it’s very much an intentional manipulation. This is to help convince you those larger bundles (which of course have a higher price) are a “better value” because it’s literally a “pile” of premium currency. Versus the “meager” amounts of the lower quantities.

As I said this is already used in games today. Countless games. Sometimes the higher-end bundles will show a barrel of currency, or even a wheel barrel. Hell sometimes it’ll literally also be tagged “BEST VALUE!” The point is it’s subtle manipulation. One of many companies use these days.

If the icons were really for updated price tags on the TP, you wouldn’t do this. You’d keep them all the same.

Welcome to MTX manipulation 101.

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Hopefully we can buy extra Tender in the cash shop!

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The great thing about optional thing is that you don’t have to invest in optional thing.

With Helm of the Fierce being a thing, when will we see a grunt version for us orcs? Been waiting for one to go with the grunt set.

Still speculation until wee get official confirmation from Blizzard, even if we’re 99.999% certain that’s true.

how about some hot summer bikini armor in the trading post.


Not too odd, for that many, just oddly many. If they added 50, 100, and 150 they’d have a nice little graphic to slap next to the amount items cost when you talk to the vendor.

OMGOMGOMG The spirit of competition pet!!!

Blizzard as a pet collector THANK YOU <3

Can’t wait for August now, and also really looking forward to the new dragonriding mount! :D:D


it’s just so new and original!

we haven’t seen this before.

i only clicked for the drama. :slight_smile:


Also just noticed the ‘bones of the bloodhunter ensemble’… I need that!!! Is it mail?

Or a brooch…

Or a pterodactyl.


Not throwing shade here… I like the pet and was around for it… Spirit of Competition - NPC - World of Warcraft ( I was there for it so there is that.
I hope that you do get it but in turn then blizz should offer up the Dreadmist chest pc Since they giving up old stuff…