Get Hot Summer Rewards in the July Trading Post

Except for the whole, you know, file names directly mentioning the in-game shop thing.

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Maybe. :dracthyr_shrug: The values just kind of struck me as weird.

That seems like too many oddball amounts.


Yay new netherdrake! I hope we eventually can get some alternate colors for it. I always liked the old purple and onyx ones.
I also saw a blood troll set coming soon, very happy about that was well! I hope it’s usable for all armor types.

I really hope we don’t see Tenders buyable for real money in the future. The past 2 months have had good rewards. I worry that eventually the currency will be on the store and the Tenders prices for these items will increase to push us to use the Store. The datamined images make me worry. I love the Trading Post and I hope it stays a gameplay-only thing. Perhaps we could get some extra Tenders from special promotions, but not as a regular Store item.

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Is the Netherdrake a fully customizable mount or just a transformation skin for an existing one without customization?

hey blizz, thanks again for the free stuff! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

can we please have the ability to put helmets and armors on the new netherdrake?

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(puts on tinfoil hat)

I wonder if this is a preliminary to them adding tenders in the online shop… because there are a lot of things there that people will want.


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I saw the Bloodhunter set in the video and the set is on wowhead (but not viewable) but it doesnt seem to be on the list for items acquirable in the trading post in July.

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The post calls it a “dragonriding mount”, not a manuscript, so I would assume it’s a full on mount.

E.g. of a full customization:

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The article says it’s a new mount, but I would like to know if we can customize it, if not now, maybe later even.

Neat Netherdrake (although it’s weird seeing it with horns instead of it’s iconic crest), real happy to see the spectral cub as well :dracthyr_love_animated:

I mean it was datamind, and people on the forums were letting others know to not to worry if they didn’t get it this time as it would be in the trading post later.

If it makes you feel any better, I got it back for its original promo. Then again I’m not salty they made it available to everyone.


anyone notice the new mount is flying in the darkmoon faire?

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The post mentioned both July and August, so my guess is that it’s coming in August since it didn’t show up on July’s list despite appearing in the video


Ah gotcha!

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Tyrael’s Charger lmfao

Indeed, and in eu it was reasonable to sell it for 600k, so you get something like that for 450k and it’s ok, but when it gets given away or sold in the trading post it suddenly loses value, so what do you do in anticipation, stop at 300k? 200k? Hard to say, and it could go the other way around too: give up on 300k tiger cubs, then it doesn’t get brought back.

You should be asking the real question…Are we going to get a toggle between Regular Flying and Dragon Riding? Because this mount is just a plain netherdrake with horns which means that the old models already work for Dragon Riding and there’s datamining regarding a lot of old mounts that could use DR on 10.1.5.

So, Ion already mentioned that DR will move to next expansions, however, there’s players that want normal flying back, We should ask if the toggle is something real option moving forward and enable DR in all continents and regular flying in the Dragon isles.


A toggle of sorts is how they said it would work, but we won’t know for sure until we see a dual system like that in action.

This reminds me of the player who complained when they put the chromatic sword back in the game in Legion. She had one listed for 1 million gold for 5 years, and now she wasn’t going to get that, as though she ever would have.

Still no cosmetic eyepatch.