Get Hot Summer Rewards in the July Trading Post

Why would they have 17 different store options to buy tendies? (Look at my post above)

That introduces player confusion and product cannabalization. Now if there were 3-5 store offerings datamined then yes.

Also sidenote, remember how all the times we get blindsided with a new store offering in the middle of the day? That’s usually how blizz tends to operate with the store. Assets for store things they know we’ll push back on, are usually withheld until they arrive.

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One horn looks better .-.

Also no armored verson :<

Thats cool about the Tyrael’s Charger but whats the point of having people going crazy just recently farming it and then months ago having it on shop for $25 then only to have it given away for free, seems legit if you ask me

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There could’ve been a really easy solution to this problem. Just pump up the droprate and people wont have FOMO at all. Like they did with the anniversary mount. Now its gonna be even worse. People who wont buy it will have that feeling of uncertainty because nothing is set in stone so we have no idea if or when these things come back.

Just look at your name for the answer.

Whats wrong with my name ?

Is it in the game yet?


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It’s not wrong it just holds the answer to your question.

oh dang. a whole dragonriding mount for free basically earned as I just play the game as normal? Count me in!! the bf and I love netherdrakes so this is getting us both pretty pumped.


You wouldn’t. The most I’ve seen for bundles is 6.

That’s a good point.

As I mentioned above, the most I’ve seen, including D4, is 6 bundles.


My name is tied to my spec , you guys dont even know what it means lol

from the moment they added the Feldrake as a twitch drop, I pieced it together to never spend $$ or gold on an item ever again just in case.


I was making a metajoke about the state of the game.

Roll the bones go brrr

I saw a video speculating that maybe they’ll add the option to pay to fill out the rest of the monthly bar, and that’s what the increments might be for. Who knows though

Honestly the values of those look more like new pricetags.

That’s what I thought; a sort of pass to be allowed to do more activities for tenders rather than simply purchasing them.

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Possible since it explains why they don’t have any assets going above 1000. But then again the bar is just traveler’s points and not tendies.

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Spectral tiger cub is going for 600k on AH someone is gonna lose money lol

Dear God, you people are dense. It’s Activision at the helm. The company that cannibalized OW1 for the godawful monetization of OW2 simply as a cashgrab. The one that pushes Blizzard harder for more metrics that end up resulting in things like us losing portals and increasing grinds for timespent garbage.

This has ALWAYS BEEN THE PLAN. People saw it from the second the TP was unveiled. They’re using the same playbook other developers have to do the same thing. Page-for-page so far. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand high-quality store-level items being given away for “free” is not the endgame here.