Get Hot Summer Rewards in the July Trading Post

OK, forum troll threads saying this is one thing. But where has Blizzard actually stated this?


Wowhead datamined all the different stacks that will appear on the store for money.

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They datamined images, but there is no confirmation anywhere that states what these images will be used for.


We know that Blizz will, and has used in the past, decoys that get datamined incorrectly.

Actual proof. Until there is some, and it is confirmed, I will take rando datamining with a grain of salt.


Very true, but I expect blizzard won’t pass up the opportunity to sell us the solution to the problem of not enough tendies.

Reins of the Felcrystal Scorpion, Fabulously Flashy Finery, Mephistroth’s Razor, Ensemble: Sylvan Stalker’s Leathers it seems good. I might get the mount and save the nsemble: Sylvan Stalker’s Leathers. If I have enough points I will get others.

Hopefully I can take trader’s points with cash this time.

So, in other words, what you are saying is about as solid a proof of fact as dust on the wind.

In other words, it’s all guesswork and bs.


I understand that you have no faith that they won’t turn it into a cash grab, and you could be right in the future, but please don’t pass it off as a fact. :wink: :dracthyr_heart:


Look at it this way, now you don’t have to spend 900 tendies on it :person_shrugging:

My Tender wallet is bleeding! Help!

You’re free to believe it’s still just speculation but knowing bobby I’m quite comfortable calling it a fact.

Me when I have 0 reading comprehension skills (I am angry about something I completely made up)

I think they probably decided to put it in as a response to the cries of people who somehow didnt have it drop over the entire event.

Damned if they do, damned if they don’t I guess

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It’s a lite month for me in terms of wanting stuff.

However, fwiw, I am glad people can have a chance to snag Tyrael’s Charger. The Goblin was not always generous.


Absolute banger month!

Oh, I’ll take free stuff. But I’m still saving my chicken.

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I wasn’t trying to attack you, so I’m sorry if it came off that way.

You’re opinion, however, is not fact. You believe it and that’s fine, but you shouldn’t tell someone that doesn’t know much about the TP that that is what’s happening when we have no proof either way.


I hope we don’t see too many complaints about the rotation, next month will have some items that appeared on previous iterations:

Filigreed Lion’s Maw - March and now July

Fists of Polar Fury - April and now July

some examples, the rotation + 200 more tenders its a great way to catch up with these items for collectors.

I prefer this approach on which we can’t get all the items and there’s going to be these rotation happening with some of the items, a mix between new and old each month.


Sitting here and waiting for people to get mad about the Cat pet

That DragonRiding mount is cool, pretty excited for all that.

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Idk maybe collect items because you want them instead of just wanting them becauase theyre rare.

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