Get Bonus Trader’s Tender with Dragonflight

Techinally the $15 a month could be considered paying for the battle pass, because we already shelled out a full box price for the expansion.

I have a question about this.

To get the monthly currency, do you need to be actively subbed to wow or just have game time? Because I use tokens for my wow time

The way I read it is you need to log into the game at least once each month to get the currency. And then you get more currency that month by doing the extra activities.

So you cant log in at the end of the year and collect 12 months werth in a lump sum.

YOu agreed to the terms of paying a monthly subscription . If you don’t like it you can alway play a F2P game where actual good player gear is behind a paywall and any new content (DLC) will pretty much be the same cost as the initial game.

WoW’s subscription pays for keeping the servers going , some content development and the fact that all the best gear possible can only be earned in game.

Cool. From what we were told previously I was under the impression that those who had not purchased Dragonflight or even those who were sub max level would be unable to participate in any way.

I mean, monthly rewards, for doing in game activities? It is a battle pass with a new fancy name.

So what you guys are saying is that if I don’t like this expansion like I haven’t these last couple of expansions, and decide to take a break, I may as well just not return?

More FOMO. Glad to see Ion doing what he does best!


You make it sound like this is the only thing we are getting? We are getting Primalist Tommorow and maybe more importantly the ability to transmog our white items.

haha… really old bad looking transmog that looks like they are painted on you… Yay. That should keep people occupied.

peak mmorpg development for freaking sure.

People have wanted it for years. You may not like it but clearly others do:

We already know their plans for 2023. If you dont think its enough, no one is forcing you to remain sub.

You are absolutely right. I did it in BFA. Did it in Shadowlands. I will continue to complain as long as I am paying them though.

Thank you for the input!

First of all, most of those people are gone and second, if that’s what you consider new riveting content… go ahead. I’d rather the developers develop actual content for the game. But whatever floats your boat.

Gimme my tendies

Again, this is not the only thing they are developing and there are people that have wanted this for a long time. Same with things like Heritage armor.

I was wondering, what will i get if i dont have dragonflight. The answer kinda makes sense really. Its less. because they want me to buy the up to date game. Im not really going to be like “madness” because it just does make sense. Im still not getting dragonflight yet. I’ll take my reduced payout and keep enjoying wotlk

But how long until it becomes a cash shop?

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When they start selling a premium version for cash is when it truly will be a battle pass.

"Please play our game!

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeazzzzzze!!" :weary:

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All they will do is put the currency in places where people can be carried and then token sales will do the rest.