Get an Eye on an Even Dozen New Hero Talent Trees

Druid’s feral ones are great, druid is finally able to properly change forms while tanking or healing.
DK’s vampire mechanic with damage reduction when on low life, leech and damage increase is great, not mentioning the full hp ally ress.
DK’s apocalypse horsemans is amazing, also being able to mount while in battle.
Paladins summoning buffs for ppl to get is very cool.
Shaman’s summoning ancestors is amazing, but they need a good variety to not become visually boring, and a variety of skills used too.

All other classes seems boring to me, damage modification isnt something who makes me hype, ill choose wathever talents boost more and thats it.

Formal request to once again snip pack’s endurance out of existence.

I’ll be honest… from a Destruction perspective, Hellcaller just isn’t it. I get it, Hellcaller is a traditionally ‘Satyr’ aesthetic, and they’re more well known for mixing curses and fire and all, but it still reeks of an Affliction-themed Hero Class. Which is terrible, since Diabolist already reeks of being a Demonology-themed Hero Class!

My wish list, my personal desire, is just… base it off the Shadowlands ability ‘Impending Catastrophe’, but you know, a whole hero class to make it good. Rebalance the numbers, give us talents to change how it works dramatically, make it replace Cataclysm and Vile Taint or something, let it summon an 8 sec demon like it can in Torghast.

I hated Shadowlands, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t even like playing with Impending Catastrophe, but there is no single ability that Warlocks have had that screams ‘Hellcaller’ more to me than that one. And on paper, it should have been awesome! It was just so poorly tuned and awful to actually use.

You can still keep the Satyr theme too, lol, but instead of forcing Destro into a weird Dot-playstyle with replacement Immolate, give us something flashy and destructive that also spreads dots and curses.

As an example… of something my brain concocted.

Impending Catastrophe: 40 yd range, 1 min CD. Call forth a cloud of chaotic energy that travels to the target enemy, dealing Shadowflame damage to enemies in its path. When the cloud reaches the target it explodes, inflicting either Curse of Weakness or Curse of Tongues, and dealing Shadow damage over 12 sec to all nearby enemies.
-Affliction: Replaces Vile Taint if known, also applying Agony on damaged targets.
-Destruction: Replaces Cataclysm if known, also applying Immolate on damaged targets.

Then just have hero talents to support it, maybe reduce the cooldown by 30 sec, summon an Infernal/Darkglare for 8 sec on arrival, maybe a split talent to let us instead choose a location like Vile Taint/Cataclysm, causing it to move there and then explode, paired with a talent that makes it travel faster. Make the animation similar to Kil’Jaedan’s Burning Wish, but a roiling ball of fire and shadow instead of pure flame.

I honestly don’t know how well it’d work in reality, but please, I beg of you Blizzard, you have Soul Harvester to go ham on the themes of Affliction, and interact with its core playstyle of dot management, don’t force it on Destruction Warlocks.


I love this suggestion, always LOVE Impending Catastrophe and how it work not to mention it was soo flashy, huge and intimidating sounding like a wailing of bloodied souls being hurl! I imagine your suggestion but having that ability re-skin to be Shadowflame theme! OoooOOooo so cool :star_struck:

You should totally also post it in the Warlock Class Section of the Hellcaller discussion forums!


I’m skeptical like always mostly because blizzard doesn’t listen so why post this to begin with. They’re going to do whatever they feel is best even if it’s completely broken/bad. At launch and after they’re going to spend at least a year trying to fix everything which would all have been avoided if they listened to their players instead of pretending they know best.

There are thousands and thousands of players who actually WANT to help the game become better. Listen to these players for once.

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Blizzard seriously needs to prioritize the visuals of the Hero specs. Having an iconic theme for each Hero spec is essential in capturing the essence of this feature.

Rider of the Apocalypse is the perfect example. The “On a Paler Horse” talent should allow the DK to be always mounted, both indoor (at reduced speed) and outdoor. It would really sell the theme.

In fact, every Hero spec needs this sort of visual identity. The Colossus warrior being larger is an example of a good iconic theme.

Some Hero specs should have a passive visual look (Rider, Colossus), some Hero specs can have rotational-ability visual effects (Mountain Thane’s Lightning and Stormbolts), while other Hero specs can have cooldown-based visual flare. For example, Dark Rangers should have a cooldown that allows them to turn into a Banshee (similar to Sylvanas in BFA cinematic).

Each spec should have some sort of distinct visual identity to really complete the Hero talent package.


Yeah, it should be obvious that the most liked Hero Talents are the ones that focus on fantasy over anything else, irregardless of whether they add new buttons or complexity or not.

The issue with most of the trees is that Hellcaller Warlock doesn’t really feel like a Satyr caster, Shado-Pan Monk doesn’t feel like a shadow ninja, etc. and so they really fall flat, they feel like you’re just playing the same character but with bigger numbers or a new button you have to press on cooldown.


Oh no. Rushing Jade Wind and Jadefire Stomp feel AWFUL to press. Please please rework the celestial tree, no Windwalker wants to see either spell.


RJW is one of my favorite spells as monk. Keep it please.

Lol so, all of the Hunter ones are incredibly boring passive abilities or just a DoT that adds nothing to gameplay, while classes like DK get to fight on horseback.

I can think of better ideas for my own class, here at home lol.

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Bladestorm is coming back for fury! I am so happy about that. I miss Bladestorm a ton right now after having it available as fury for the previous decade or so (MoP through SL).


Farseer is so incredibly boring and meh. Shamans have had more impacftul tier set bonuses and that says a lot about how bad this hero spec is.

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I think packhunter needs to be iterated on more. It just seems super boring. Needs more flash than just chunkier kill commands.

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Rider of the Apocalypse sounds awesome. Deathbringer also seems very good, but honestly don’t really get why that one is Blood/Frost with the soul magic theme. Part of the problem is with San’layn really only thematically working with Blood and to a much lesser extent Unholy, but honestly I’d rather Unholy not get San’layn due to how toxic it seems like it’s gonna be with our existing kit if we don’t get a proper rework.

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Please just delete hero talents at this point and make them a pure cosmetic change…

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Spellslinger looks to be just as uninspired and boring as its name suggested.

I like how a lot of the other Hero Talents come with these elaborate and detailed lore backgrounds and impressive names and then you have Spellslinger that sounds like a joke and is actually devoid of any personality.

Splinters. What a joke. I guess it should be considered a feat to create something this bland.

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From PVE point of view most of these are decent.
However, Blizzard, did you think even for a second about PVP when you made some of these specs / talents?
Slayers getting 2 additional root breaks or even more charges / leaps with CD reduction, so that Warriors are even more unkiteable for most if not all ranged / caster specs?
Riders of the Apocalypse getting procs of Anti-Magic Shell which removes dots and debuffs? Can you imagine any magic damage over time based spec or comp trying to play against them?
Riders of Apocalypse having 2 charges of root breaks + 10 seconds of 200% movement speed that cannot be slowed and knocked back on top of all of their grips / CC / 70% snares (which can also now be passively applied by one of the riders)? Does kiting even exist as a concept anymore?
Aldrachi Demon Hunters getting 2 uses of Vengeful Retreat for even more 35% damage reduction / immunity uptime? As if 1 was not problematic already.

You really have a lot of work to do with PVP modifiers / changes to these talents, unless you want already struggling PVP to die out completely in TWW, at the very least for caster / ranged specs.


Personally I don’t want Fury to get Bladestorm because I can’t stand the ability and don’t want to be forced to spec into it. Which may happen even for players who actively avoid choosing Slayer. I would much rather these abilities just be coded to work with Ravager instead.

Not only does Fury not have the kit to support Bladestorm (for example, Die By the Sword to preempt with it as seems intended by this design and not instantly die to aggro) but it actively negates Fury’s main defensive.

Which brings me to my next point. It’s hardly CC immunity if it functionally CCs your character. It’s nice to see the devs are at least listening on that and allowing the use of Pummel, but the choice of Storm Bolt over Shockwave shows they didn’t understand the assignment. And again, even if defensive abilities are allowed, which could be precast anyway so I don’t really see why not… you still can’t use Bloodthirst.

And speaking of Bloodthirst and self-CC, why the proc? Really? Didn’t Arms just spend two years telling the devs how much they hated that legendary?

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Most DH get by fine without a third spec and don’t want one.

I’m excited to test out the havoc hero talents and see how they feel. Withholding judgement until then.

DK hero talent is going to be incredible. Mounted combat is perfect for the class fantasy. If I can use my Invincible for it I might go back to DK main :crossed_fingers: