Get an Eye on an Even Dozen New Hero Talent Trees

Tbh if it isn’t staying mounted in combat while outdoors it instantly makes the talent tree way less fun.

I’m going to say I HATE the DH tree. It just screams more of the same “try to line up multiple 4-5s damage buffs so you can one shot someone with a single deathsweep crit.” I LOVED demon hunter until buff stacking became the theme. Now Slayer for Warrior - that’s got me drooling.


Farseer Feedback:
Not a huge fan of token +5% effectiveness talents, but if the ancestor summoning looks cool, that’s fine. But I DO viscerally despise “Ancestor’s Swiftness”. I have hated Nature’s Swiftness for as long as it has existed because of how boring and inconsequential it feels. “Press this button and you can cast a spell while jumping instead of pausing for 1.5-3 seconds! Then wait a long time to do it again!” (Which is also why I’m not a fan of Primordial Wave being forced on us.)

I hate it.
I hate it so much.
I hate it more than words could ever express.

And now the big spell in the Farseer tree is just a 45s version of Nature’s Swiftness? Intolerable. I could never pick that tree because I hate that so much. Nothing positive is added to my gameplay by “getting” to press another key every 45 seconds to get an instant-cast.

My dreams for the the Farseer Hero spec included things like:

  • Increased casting range similar to Marksmanship Hunter’s Sniper ability
  • Alternatively, a large AoE with a 60-80 yard cast range that dispels stealth and/or invisibility in the area and allows the Shaman to cast spells into that area from any distance for the 10-20 seconds it exists, allowing the Farseer to literally see far, see through attempts to hide, and throw heals and/or lightning bolts great distances
  • Upgrading Spiritwalker’s Grace to Feral Spirit Rider, summoning a wolf spirit to ride resembling the wolves Farseer hero units used to ride in WC3, granting a movement speed buff while still allowing movement while casting

Someone never played wc3. Demon form was not even mele. It shot chaos magic. There are so many options that would work well to expand the class.

Mele builder ranged demon form spender cross between Red mage and old lock demo.

2h hulksmash/felguard themed spec.

Ranged bowcaster.

Scyth weilding midrange soulcaster. Like the npc in legion

Support “healer” that does not heal. It soaks up damage intended for the group then keeps itself alive with leech.

You say we dont need another spec… then why dont they just remove survival for hunters?


First thoughts for Slayer.

I like the concept, but Bladestorm being a focus is kinda off-putting since with Bladestorm you are literally watching your character spin around. (Might be time for a rework)

I think it would be better to have the moves buff Bladestorm instead of make it use more often, barring any straight up cooldown reductions.

Not sure Bloodthirst needs any CD reductions given it’s pressed every other GCD now, but I hope this means it is changed to have a more reasonable usage.

I also hope this means they are smoothing out Overpower usage as well.

The Bladstome usage and Root/Snare break makes this seem a bit PvP focused.

Also this clearly should be named Blademaster. I don’t care if we don’t have Mirror Image and Windwalk, this is obviously a Blademaster.

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One disappointing thing about Druid of the Claw.

I totally expected to see Bear Form become a DPS form for Feral. That would’ve been neat, stepping away from Cat for a change.

Considering Fury is already one of the highest APM specs in the game, I’m (meaning my wrists) are pretty happy with the idea of getting to pause and just watch my warrior spin a bit more.

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I agree with you on that. Depends how often you end up using it. The Bloodthirst CD reductions have me worried…

Personally I think it’s time to rework Bladestorm as a Damage CD rather than a channeled move. The animation could stand to look like the HotS Bladestorm as well.

Honestly ‘Pack Leader’ just feels super boring. There’s no flash, nothing to really show that this is something other than any other regular beast master hunter. Super disappointing. Instead of something to signify this is a ‘Pack Leader’ the Lack of Black Arrow and undead Hounds will be how anyone else identifies it.

C’mon you all can do better than this.

Make our pets get some special visual effect, give us a 3rd pet, or something with a WOW OMG SO COOL factor.

The ability to choose a pet type or pet family that is summoned as a dire beast and uses it’s special ability.

The ability swap pet specs.

Bring back Wild Spirits with a visual reboot that is targetable instead of placed.

just something other than ‘small percent damage upgrade or tiny chance at crit strike’. Those are nice. More throughput is appreciated but it can’t be the only thing it brings to the table.

Please this is just so disappointing.


Definitely like this more than the current iteration ; Namely wild spirits. It literally could be an AOE pet storm, it could super buff your pet, summon fae beasts inside the zone, literally anything else than the current tree. It also seems like this was only an idea for a full BM tree because survival looks to have to go to sentinel almost immediately if they dont buff a lot of our pet talents / fix mastery for our ST only builds. IE, Mastery doesnt even proc for our kill command… the thing the pet build needs…? lmfao

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I don’t like the mage and warlock ones. They seem weaker and way less interesting than the other mage and warlock ones we saw which were both really good.

The bear/feral hero tree has significantly better defensive talents than what was found on the moonkin/bear tree.

If this could be looked at again, as its one of the major pain points of moonkins at the moment and hasnt been looked at all expansion.

woah i like the Druid of the claw but please can affect more dots and less bites?

I’m really disappointed that you can say we can’t have blademaster because it wouldn’t be right without wind walk or mirror image but far seer doesn’t need to have feral spirits…

Not only are the game plays uninteresting but the fact I can’t even class fantasy my enhance shammy as the warcraft 3 hero it’s based on its a massive let down.

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Why dont you just type hell? Its not a banned word. Just curious.

This was a fun preview! I think the Rider of the Apocalypse tree is maybe the best so far at capturing an iconic fantasy. Gonna feel just like a WC3 death knight, and I love it.

I do have two suggestions to further enhance that fantasy:

  1. Consider allowing RotA death knights to use any undead steed mount for mounted combat (i.e. Rivendare’s Deathcharger, undead racial horses, Midnight, etc.) in addition to the Acherus Deathcharger. The Acherus Deathcharger is a beautiful mount, but especially compared to the HD skeletal steeds that the four horsemen ride, it’s a bit low-res and some variety in useable mount visuals could be nice.
  2. With the current preview, mounted combat will only work outdoors. I would love being able to keep the visual of mounted combat indoors, even without the speed boost benefits, just to keep up the “dark rider” aesthetic. Perhaps going indoors wouldn’t dismount us, it would just take away the speed boost and going back outdoors would give us a couple second delay to regain the speed boost (as if we had needed to summon the mount again, just without ever losing the visual?) I just want to be able to get on my deathcharger and never get off of it, ha.

So Ruby Adept was renamed to Flameshaper? Not exactly sure why it needed a name change but sounds interesting for Preservation.

Honestly the sad part about these Hero talents is there will be only 1 in the end. A meta will forum around X spec having to be Y hero class or you’re going to be subpar. At least there aren’t going to be 3 extra traps like Covenants but this is just shaping up to be covenants 2.0 and it’s super disappointing for me.

I can admit some hero classes have some cool talents that add neat abilities and flavor (DK mounted combat is actually super cool) but it’s pretty obvious from the trees we’re getting shown this is going to be an unbalanced mess and half the expansion will be players complaining how they can’t play what they want to play or how certain hero classes get cool new utility and abilities while others just get 10 more passive to track with weak auras. Plus none of this looks like it’s being designed with PvP in mind at all, meaning if you are someone like me that enjoys it even casually it’s looking even more of a mess. Like the Warlock stuff shown today has the most broken passive with the double curse passive.

This will be the first WoW expansion I actually sit out for the initial release. SL made me quit the game, and DF got stale super fast for me. Seeing these previews really has me thinking the future of WoW is actually “Classic” at this point sadly.


I am mildly concerned about all these damage buffs
6% damage increase here
4% damage increase there
damage increase, damage increased, damage increase.

Are the things we fight going to offset all these damage increases in some way like more armor or HP? Or will they just be mowed down in less than a second when our hero trees are filled? (which opens up another can of worms for players who have not maxed out their hero trees)


More RNG for the elemental :roll_eyes: good way to show us again that Blizzard puts zero effort into shaman talents :expressionless: