Get an Eye on an Even Dozen New Hero Talent Trees

I’ll give flameshaper a try mainly for the essence ability hot. May be nice with with a blossom build.

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Why does the Slayer tree have two different nodes that reduce the cooldown of Overpower/Bloodthirst by 10%…

I can’t wait for the two trees for Shadow Priests being released last, and being so terrible that they need an entire rework except it’s too late in the dev cycle so we’re told we have to wait for next expansion AGAIN.


They delivered big time with Rider of the Apocalypse. I love it.

Big hype for fury warriors getting bladestorm back. I missed having it on mine.


Eh… Really disappointed in this first DH Hero Tree. I really hope the 2nd is better.


Slayer did not disappoint, at least not on paper; lots of Executes via ramped up Sudden Death and finally Fury regains access to Bladestorm? This is definitely the Hero Specialization for damage Warriors. Shame that the “competitors” of Colossus and the Mountain King-inspired one just cannot compete.

One note though is that Constant Pressure (row three, center column) and Slayer’s Focus (row four, right column) are the exact same just with slightly different wording; hopefully one will be changed. Maybe a talent that applies Rend (meaning give Fury Rend as well) to enemies struck by Bladestorm?


My initial thoughts:

  1. It’s all based on “doing damage equal to your max health”. That can take a while as a Brewmaster, especially early in an expansion. Blizzard has been steadily nerfing our damage throughout Dragonflight with nerfs to Keg Smash & SCK damage.

  2. Left column starts with “Enemies who die within 5 sec of being damaged by a Flurry Strike explode, dealing damage to enemies” since we have very little control over when flurry strike goes off, this seems pretty silly.
    Next up are some boosts to Vivify, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, and Expel Harm, which are all useless. This column sucks for Brewmaster. I’m not even reading any more.

  3. Middle column: “Striking the same target 5 times within 2 sec grants 2% Haste”
    Dead talent for Brewmaster. Dead column for Brewmaster. So I won’t even go into the “Keg Smash damaged increased by 30%” that comes after it, but that explains where the 30% Keg Smash damage they nerfed away THIS expansion went.
    Hey, we can get it back if we take a completely useless talent column! :partying_face:
    This has been infuriating with Brewmaster, lately. They give us something that increases our damage, like the Aberrus tier set… and then they nerf our damage, because of the Aberrus tier set. And then when the Aberrus tier set goes away… we don’t get that damage back.
    More of the same, here, feels like.

  4. Right column: “Attacks penetrate 10% of the target’s armor.”
    Okay. Well, this isn’t INSULTINGLY BAD, at least. I guess this is the Brewmaster column. Let’s keep going.
    “When you become injured, summon Whirling Steel, increasing your Parry and Avoidance for 15% for 6 sec.”
    What does “injured” mean? I’m always getting injured. Is this just a permanent 15% parry & avoidance boost? Cool, I guess.
    OR “When you dodge or parry, reduce damage taken by 10% for 6 sec.” Okay. Yeah, this is the Brewmaster column.
    And then next is “Blackout Kick deals 20% more damage” okay.

  5. As for the capstone, considering that we’ll only ever take the right column, it seems okay. Will depend on how high or low our damage is, since that will control how often Flurry Strikes happens.




ngl, im going to have at least 2 Conduit of the Celestial monks. that sounds fun af

Hellcaller will fit my VE warlock to a t


I’m loving the resto side of Farseer, but I think Unleash Life needs to be a separate node for this to be just a touch better. And as much as I love Downpour, it’s too far down on the talent tree and competing with much better options to be a realistic choice in any situation.

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Also, Spellfrost Teachings just seems to be glacial assault…? Kinda weird to have two random 6% buff procs

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I wish Malevolence transformed the player into a Satyr. Maybe it does? We’ll see…


can someone tell me please which ones are focused towards holy paladin and holy priest?

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I like the Warlocks but have a concern if Wither is not instant cast as from a pvp perspective it would be annoying to have another spell capable of locking us out entirely if interrupted.

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A. Reaver just feels redundant. We already have all these effects in Havoc spec, currently. Enhanced abilities sound good but when all it does is alter stats and numbers, all that’s gonna happen is more tunning around it. Aside from utility, everything feels pointless.

And I don’t understand the “fantasy” behind Throw Glaive. If I were to think about DH fantasy, I’d think about so many things before that one.

I’m concerned Fel-scarred will end up as the “Meta redundancy”.


SHAMAN… nvm wrong shaman.

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I think Spellslinger looks fun for Arcane, my only concern is it triggering off Nether Precision in AOE, since we don’t AB in AOE at all. Hopefully they’ll put out a full thread on Spellslinger in the future to leave feedback on.

If they don’t, it may be much better for frost in AOE than arcane. My suggestion would be to make Nether Precision also be able to be used by Arcane Explosion as well, the other builder/spender, or be used by barrage.

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Slayer is the first Hero talent tree that got me excited for this system. Sounds very fun.


Conduit of the Celestials and Rider of the Apocalypse look really good. Fistweavers rolling with their celestial crew and Deathknights with their undead gang. Both of those look like a lot of fun.

Farseer shaman doesn’t look so good. I don’t spec unleash life or spirit walkers grace so I guess that hero tree isn’t for me.


The rider tree is an A+ flavorwise but seems like it won’t actually be any fun to play.

On a Pale Horse is almost certainly going to be incredibly clunky in practice, even if it’s one of the coolest abilities to be showcased so far.

Option 1: Deathcharger is unchanged and you have to tediously mount up every single time you go into combat off your dynamic mount -awful even if they make it instant cast

Option 2: They make deathcharger a dynamic flying mount and change nothing else -awful because now your flight skills are cluttering up your combat UI and you need a second action bar entirely for indoor combat

Option 3: The action bar automatically updates to your normal one once you get into combat -awful because now you are going to try and liftoff on your deathcharger but something aggroed you so now your button to fly is whatever you bound it to in combat.

Option 4: You just automount your deathcharger upon entering combat, similar to how Evokers or Worgen would enter their forms as soon as they do -this is probably the only option that makes sense (it should probably come with a two forms-esque toggle skill)

As long as they go with option 4 this has potential to rock.

As far as the rest of the talents go, I won’t go into how tedious death and decay is because they mentioned they are changing it in some way.

Summoning the horsemen is sick visually, but the actual gameplay of lining up abilities for when the correct horseman spawns sounds super annoying.

Nazgrim is the biggest offender. If you don’t happen to proc him when you can take advantage of the buff stacking it will be very frustrating, and trying to bank runic power for when you have 2+ horsemen up is going to be annoying when you already have times you want to blow your runic power for both specs.

I think this will probably be a lot more annoying for unholy than frost, since unholy is already a nightmare of crazy burst followed by nerf batting, even after the adjustments.

Even if the horsemen spawn in order, like with the diabolist warlock, I still have trouble seeing a world where your average player can plan around it without a pretty intrusive weakaura.

I’m no world first raider by any means, but it still feels bad to know you aren’t getting the most out of your hero talents without a bunch of tedious busywork.

Overall the flavor is incredible but I think the actual mechanics of what the horsemen do needs more time in the oven.


How does Hellcaller’s Wither interact with Absolute Corruption?

Edit: I love the Hellcaller tree, by the way, looks excellent! Just wondering how it works with my favorite talent! <3

Love the class fantasy behind Rider of the apocalypse.
Might want to tune down on slows as you don’t always want slows.
Rng might be worrying a bit? But I still like it.