Get an Early Look at Hero Talents in The War Within

San’layn is a good contender for names to be changed. There is already a priest talent named that, it is like making “Sunwalker” a hero talent name for paladins. It only fits one race.


Trying to be very very optimistic here, I think they will probably try to tweak specs as they add in and tune hero talents so that nothing will break the game.

Like er, Augvoker.

will hero talents replace existing talents? or am i gonna need 3 more bars for my rogue and his already 6 bars of fluff.

You’ll probably need more bars. It will be your current talent tree + the hero talent tree.

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Why does Unholy get access to all that healing but Blood doesn’t get access to any more dps?

As a fury warrior main, can you just give Mountain Thane to arms instead? It feels pretty forced to make a fury build centered around Thunder Clap, even having to dedicate a node for transferring whirlwind’s aoe functionality to thunder clap. Doesn’t fit the feel and fantasy of fury at all to me, but sounds great for arms!


It will be all passives. Let’s be real here.

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It doesn’t really get me excited at all. After previewing it… it just seems like all modifiers.

Also, I’m not sure who thought it was a great idea to give blood dk even more healing haha.

I somewhat agree, but then again, the game is about flavors. Perhaps it’s the best to make a specific Dwarf character especially for this kind of build?

SOD is an experimental version of wow where they can try new things for classic.

What holds true for fun in SOD can also be true for Retail. Understanding that Legion Artifact Questlines were good back in Legion and would be good for Hero Talents, like the Runes are to collect for SOD are just a comparison. They show that players like to play a Class and when classes have a unique identity, people enjoy them.

i am worried about that happening lol. i miss the days of wrath when armor pen was a thing and my combat rogue was just a beautiful 5-6 button rotation with no need of 37 addons and 5 keyboards and 4 mouses.

i will remain optimistic. blizzard knows what they are doing.


This addon mindset is a community problem not blizzard. And also these talents will most likely be passive only.


Summoning the Blood Beast, the extra damage from Frenzied Bloodthirst, and Infliction of Sorrow are all DPS increases for Blood.

Most, but not all.


Holy Armaments: Will the Light to coalesce and become manifest at a target location as a Holy Armament, which may be wielded by you or your allies. Alternates between Holy Bulwark and Sacred Weapon. Lats 20 sc after being cast. Max 2 charges.

Holy Bulwark: While wielding a Holy Bulwark, gain an absorption shield for 15% of your maximum health and an additional 5% every 2 seconds, stacking up to 30%.

Sacred Weapon: While wielding a Sacred Weapon, your spells and abilities have a chance to deal additional Holy damage or healing.


Choice Node: Rite of Sanctification & Rite of Adjuration

  • Rite of Sanctification: Imbue your weapon with the power of the Light, increasing your armor by 5% and your primary stat by 1%. Lasts 1 hour. Weapon imbue.
  • Rite of Adjuration: Imbue your weapon with the power of the Light, increasing your Stamina by 3% and causing your Holy Power spenders to sometimes unleash a burst of healing around a target. Weapon imbue.

Solidarity: If an ally picks up an Armament, you also gain its benefits. If you pick up an Armament, a nearby ally also gains its benefits.

Warrior needs 4+ talents freed up in their trees and baked-in utility.

3 target storm bolt isn’t going to make the class viable for dungeon content.

Just from what I can see from Lightsmith, it will be mostly passive with a couple of active spells. Fingers crossed that it’s just a couple of extra buttons lol. :scream:

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San’layn DK is gonna be a menace is PvP with this current iteration. I’m here for it tho.

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That’s the problem with it. Why would I do that or want to do that? I’ve had this Warrior for almost a decade now. The theme should fit Warriors overall, not just Dwarves.


yea i made suggestions to blizzard in the past about how they should have the diablo 3 runes talents. that would be so good for wow to add real choice and flavor without adding any additional buttons or bloat.

each class spec ability can have a variety of runes which will allow that ability to function in a different way. i always thought that is 1 thing from diablo 3 that would be good in wow. oh and armor dye.


The San’layn tree revolves heavily around procs and/or doesn’t change much of what I would already be doing on my BDK (using heartstrike, Vampiric Blood, etc.). That is not to say the talents are weak (quite the opposite), but I was hoping for an additional cooldown to shake up the gameplay. For example, a CD that adds additional utility or power to Blood Boil, Consumption, Blood Drinker, blood-themed abilities, etc.

I realize, however, that is a double-edged sword to balance. Nonetheless, I hope Blizzard can strike a better balance between procs/RNG and more active abilities.

Also, to contradict what I just said, I love the idea of Vampiric Aura. Would it be possible/balanced to extend the benefit of leach to allies and/or combat necrotic effects?