Get an Early Look at Hero Talents for Druid, Hunter, Mage, and Priest

So I am not much of a Paladin player.

But after reading a bit on the topic of Gameplay and Hero Talents section here…

Last paragraph…

Some Hero Talents do require you to take certain talents in your class or spec trees to access their powers. This is often because those talents fit the flavor and theme of that specific Hero Talent tree. The Mountain Thane warrior tree enhances Avatar and Thunder Clap , Templar paladin gives extra power to Wake of Ashes , and Elune’s Chosen druids can cast a particularly strong Fury of Elune . However, a Hero Talent tree will only ever require or enhance a small number of class or spec talents. It’s important to us that there still is freedom in customizing your class build.

Specifically this segment here…

Templar paladin gives extra power to Wake of Ashes

Does that mean they are going to be adding Wake of Ashes in the protection tree? Or is this one of those talents that enhances Wake of Ashes + another spell exclusive to Protection paladin?

Because I don’t see Wake of Ashes on the protection talent calculator.

I say all this to pose the question…
Are the existing talent trees going to be worked on as well? Worked on in a sense of major reworks and not just balancing?

I pose that question because it seems to me that it is pretty important and could be substantially impacting the entire Hero Path talent creation effort if some current talent trees need to be addressed in a major way like adding more spells that were not accessible prior.

I am just concerned that time might be wasted trying to make a Hero Path talent work for 2 specs only to then have one or both of those specs changed at a significant level which could heavily impact the new Hero Path talent trees and waste time reworking them to fit the new redesigned base talent trees.

yeah, undead dogs in a theme that there’s no undead would be weird. I agree with what you added to that

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Demon Hunter exists is also ridiculous. but here we are.

Most likely it will be shield of righteousness

Unbelievably hyped for Dark Ranger.

But it NEEDS to be MM and Survival.

Swap with Sentinel.


I really like the fantasy of Keeper of the Grove, I’m excited to try it out.

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Keeper of the Grove looks extremely underwhelming. The tree is full of little passive procs and bonuses.

And are you seriously not giving balance Druids Treants back? Resto got Treants back finally, but not balance? Very disappointing and honestly removes a lot of the appeal of the entire hero spec for balance.

The only talent in this entire tree that looks potentially great to play with is instant regrowth procs for balance, that will be nice.

Frostfire has a lot of awesome sounding stuff. I always enjoyed the concept back in the day. But shouldn’t Frostfire Bolt be the first node? That just seems weird. And puts that middle row in a pretty obvious and unfair place of priority.

What classes/specs have we seen so far?

Just 8 trees.

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Only 230 comments in over a day is kind of a bad omen ngl…

Thank you.

I was hoping I missed a Warlock preview. :frowning:

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Basing the dark ranger around black arrow which has never been good. Kinda turns me off from the dark ranger. I get it sylvanas fired black arrows but we shouldnt be basing anything around a disgraced former leader of the horde especially when it comes to alliance hunters.

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tbh I wanted to see a Warlock tree too.

I am having a hard time choosing between playing a Mage or a Warlock, and the Frostfire preview is making me gravitate towards Mage. :joy:

I’m praying that they have KALAMAZI BUILD THAT HERO TALENT TREE… cause he the only expert that really know what the warlock fantasy is…

and after reviewing the mage hero talent tree , I see what there trying to do , trying to make mages HYBRIDS again instead of pure frost or pure fire or pure arcane… its all interconnected …

It does sound interesting. I think it’s pretty strong thematically as well. We’ve seen characters like Khadgar demonstrate great power by mixing various elements together, and hopefully this will feel something like that.

One thing I don’t care for is the Frostfire Mastery which doesn’ replenish its duration when stacks are added. But this might not be an issue depending on how fast stacks are being added?

I think he’s more of a numbers guy. The success of the Hero Talents will fall on how interesting they are, and if all they do is give you a little more infernal time or an extra imp every once in a while, they’ll be a complete failure.

The talents, which aren’t supposed to replace or feel more impactful than the base talents, literally need to feel more impactful than the base talents, otherwise people won’t like them.

So, there is a lot of work that has to be done in order to sell the Hero talents. The mage tree looks fairly interesting so far, but I’m not an expert on mages.

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Maybe he went Oracle and sees how poorly it’ll work out.

You’re not wrong, it is a pessimistic grouchy group of gamers.

Buuuut they’re not exactly wrong in not liking the new schtick being put out here. These largely feel like underwhelming tacked-on passives that don’t bring much for most players to be excited about. If anything, it’s just complexity for the sake of complexity.


I will remain hopeful for the other two hero specs, Sunfury and Spellslinger. Also, hoping for an improved Mirror Image that gives you 15 copies that are indistinguishable from your character and with improved AI so they all don’t move around as a group.

If they were mirror images, they should move completely opposite of your character. Or they could have an image like one of those funhouse mirrors with distorted features.
Else-ways they would just be clones.