Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

My dude you’re the one who is getting bent out of shape for monks when no one knows what it’s gonna be yet.

In before Monks get shafted until late when it’s beyond fixing until after the expansion has begun.

My expectations are low and yet, I fully believe there will still be disappointment.


now both vanish and feint in the dps rotation ? why

and killing spree needs to be reworked if it’s gonna be included in the hero talents, u overcap on resources and are spending less for restless blades


Yeah I am really not a fan of that. And really don’t like it especially for outlaw.

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1.) No I don’t. Fight fire with fire, use the enemies tricks against them. Not to mention the nelf dark rangers have gone back to the alliance and worked with us. Also if you are that hardcore dedicated to your RP, then you won’t care about the damage gap.

2.) Leave feedback. Oracle is getting a full redesign after the feedback from the talent overview. I have a feeling trickster will too since it’s core ability is tied to feint. I’d enough people want dark rangers renamed to separate it from the WoW antagonists blizzard should listen. If not refer to point 1. (I understand that is exactly what you are doing. This is for anyone other than you reading this.)

And it’s not like you have to do anything “dark rangery” your mixing shadow magic into your arrows, it doesn’t mean you automatically listen to my chemical romance and wear black makeup 24/7 while praying to a sylvanas poster.


You may wish to check your prior prediction as the Priest hero tree was so bad that the priest community made them delete it to try again.


Your brainmeats saw Diabolist, but because you are playing a blizzard game they filled in Diablo-list.

I view that as a good thing though. Personally I liked the oracle plan, but I am a casual who doesn’t fully understand holy/disc because that’s like a 4th tier alt for me.

But, I’m glad they listened to the priest playerbase and are redesigning it. Im looking forward to the next oracle reveal!

That’s the reason rogue is what it is now. Should’ve read the forums more often.


In it’s current form, barring no changes, the defensive benefits of Colossus gives 15% increase in ignore pain and a flat DR of 2.5% and shock wave depending how far up it’s tossing mobs in the air, could be used for extra semi-utility, not sure until that one is tested, but then again Thane offers zero utility as well and lastly while channeling demolish you’re immune to stuns and can’t be knocked back. That’s not too bad honestly and more than Mountain Thane offers in damage reduction.

I wasn’t drawing comparisons to Thane because I don’t think that’s relevant in a discussion about Colossus, personally. But yes, I am aware that Thane also has no tanking benefits. Ignore Pain is pretty useful. I’m skeptical about how good Shockwave knocking enemies up will be, since it’s effectively still just a stun with a different visual if I’m reading it correctly.

And yes, I also agree with you that Thane being Lightning Roulette also sucks.

What I don’t get is:
There are 11 nodes in a Hero Talent tree. The first of these unlocks with the system at level 71, and you earn 1 talent point per level from level 71 to 80, so you get every talent in the tree by level 80.

If first one opens at 71 and you get one point per level, that’s 10 points. Where does the 11th point come from? lol.

If you look at the tree, its arranged like this.

02 03 04
05 06 07
08 09 10

There are 11 talents on each tree, meaning we probably get 1 right away at Level 70. I’m not a fan of that, personally.

I see more buff clutter, I see more debuff clutter, I see more proc clutter…

Please no more clutter. Start REMOVING clutter, not adding it.

Goodness me!


And how would you propose doing this without weakening the classes? Or making it feel like we aren’t really getting any kind of progress or power for the expansion?


I think I’m mostly disappointed that you didn’t learn a damned thing from covenants.

People WANT class fantasy, they do NOT want class fantasy tied to player power. This is covenants all over again, and the entire community will - ONCE AGAIN - end up playing whichever hero talent build is BiS, even if they want the look and feel of a different hero talent tree. You’re failing the SAME WAY all over again.


So…the same as it currently is for all the class specs? Like the whole meta mentality of ‘this is the best I must take it’ Isn’t just a Hero talent thing. It’s how specs are treated by the community right now as well. The Hero talents are thematic talent rows, nothing more. They aren’t covenants. It’s no different from someone choosing between Enhancement or Elemental shaman.


No. Choices should matter in an RPG.

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Yeah, I think I was incorrectly assuming that the concept in the last bullet point in this page was referencing existing spells and abilities.

Just like they mattered for all the people who were pushed to choose more powerful covenant abilities that belonged to a covenant they hated the aesthetics of?

What kind of handwaving argument is that?


They had a choice. For most people, they weren’t doing anything where that power difference was enough to matter. For the small percentage who were, that’s a reasonable choice.

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The problem with covenants was most of them didn’t make sense for a lot of classes, and you were locked into them… like Ardenweald Warlocks, or Kyrian Death Knight… Hero talents dont have that problem… Since they are based around the class and you aren’t locked to them.

I mean, why would you be surprised you can’t be a Affliction Diabolist, or a Feral Keeper of The Grove?

Extremely disappointed on Wildstalker Druid. Cat weaving is about dishing out more damage than you normally would as a healer. I was hoping that this hero talents would deeply dive into that gameplay style, like improving your prowl so that you can now get out of combat and into stealth mode (more) easily or situationally, being able to cast skills like regrowth, rejuv, swiftmend and/or wild growth while in cat form or having your finishing move cast rejuv on some number of random friendly targets or wild growth. But no, these are just bland passive buffs across the board. And can resto druid benefit from the buffs to their cat abilities or inflict those bloodseeking vines into enemies? No, you get the boring, toothless, generic buffs to some of your healing skills. Moonfire and sunfire deal 10% more damage? Who gives a d*mn about that? I wanted to bite, shred and rip harder. I don´t even like running sunfire because IT TAKES ME AWAY FROM THE FERAL TALENTS I ACTAULLY WANTED TO USE. I was so excited when I saw they revealed the wildstalker hero talent tree and then came into this. At least the trees casting moonfires has some flavor into it. Major disappointment.