Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

Except there are class fantasy and theme elements tied to hero talents, are you dense?


Why not have hero talents be modifiers of cap stone cool downs like MOBAs do?

Imagine if the cap stone choices for Havoc Demon Hunters were three different variations of Blade Dance for example?

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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I almost made a post asking the same thing. Then i reread it and realised it does say the first node is unlocked with the system at 71, and also you get one point per level from 71 to 80. So you do get 10 points to allocate as you go. But the first one is free.


Hopefully thereā€™s a whole tree for DKs called MOVE FASTER like I hit a target and I move faster. Or frost aura causes enemies to slide into my remorseless winter like a vortex

Alternatively, my death strike cleaves in some kind of vampire like fashion

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Same here, although that one talent that boosts all black dragon magic despite which spec you areā€¦does Devastation got that many that are offensive? I know of at least one but that talent seems more directed at Aug evokers. I was originally going to go for prot/ret one for my tauren pally but I might go for Herald of the Sun instead as I use more of the spells for it than Templar. They do seem interesting though, wonder what the warlock one for Demo/affliction will be like or even destruction/affliction but weā€™ll see I guess

Just as there are to each of the specs. They are extensions of your talent trees with thematic changes. They are not covenants. Thereā€™s no conduits, thereā€™s no renown tied to them, thereā€™s no lockouts to changing. They arenā€™t going away at the end of expansion. They are part of the talent tree.


Yeah Herald of the Sun looks like it will be a lot of fun. As for the Black Dragon Spells Iā€™d have to hop on my evoker and switch back to Dev to see. I mainly play Aug.

Is it too much to ask for new warlock pets??? I mean, Iā€™ve been using the same imp, void, and succy for almost 20 years now!!! I should at least get a wedding ring for that amount of time!!!

How about revamping destruction warlock??? Weā€™ve been using the same spells for almost 20 years too! Choasbolt is not as old, but Iā€™m tired of having to build up fragments and shards to use it! Can we get some of of those kool spells from the trash mobs and bosses from the ā€œLegionā€ expansion??? Rain of fire is old and played out! Destruction locks need updated spells to evolve with the game and not get left behind the other classes. Destruction is extremely hard to play in pvp as well ā€¦LOS because choasbolt literally takes 3 days to cast ā€¦interrupt choasbolt is easy and locks out all fire and also fel magic. Itā€™s pretty lame! Donā€™t get me started on the terrible drain life in a pvp situation. Itā€™s completely useless!

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These look like crap for the most part. Forcing specs to play with certain talents that most dont like is a horrible idea. You would be better off going full cosmetic with it all at this point


I strongly believe they should do a 180 on these talents and make them cosmetic. All these mini buffs, debuffs, and extra effects on abilities reek of previous systems which have all failed.

Stop over-complicating this Blizzard. Just adjust the current trees and put out banger dungeons and raids driven by a well written story and you have a successful expansion.


For people arguing the class fantasy part, they say it right here in the post:

Lastly, there are several iconic character archetypes that are strongly tied to specific races and factions, such as Keeper of the Grove or Mountain Thane. Itā€™s exciting to embody these storied archetypes, but we want to ensure that characters of every race and faction can see themselves as those archetypes. Weā€™re open to feedback on what feels good for your characters versus what is frustrating.

And I strongly recommend blizzard revisits this rather than going full steam ahead.

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Diabolist Warlock looks interesting.

Canā€™t wait to see the mock-up for Hellcaller Warlock and Rider of the Apocalypse DK.

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No monk. Canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised. Weā€™ll be last, like always, and theyā€™ll be WiP with no details until launch.


Warlock one looks indeed Diabolical! Works with getting more demons out there! Though for a short time, imagine having two Pit lords out at once! This is going to be nice! Niceuh Niceuh, Very Niceuh

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I find it interesting how they have shown all the mock-ups for Paladin and 3 (if not all) mock-ups for Druid - but not a single mock-up for DH, Monk or Shaman.


Why are you using Hero Trees to force Spec Talent choices? Shouldnā€™t we be allowed to play the game we pay for the way we like to? Shouldnā€™t the trees be connected to core abilities? example:

Solar Judgment or Judgement of the Sun would not force anyone to alter talent choices.

Forcing choices in the final 10 points of a specializationā€™s talent tree is not only unjust but punitive.

A forced choice is not a choice at allā€¦


I honestly donā€™t see the point of these talents anymore (except the diabolist who looks good), for this they could simply rebalance the spec and class talents, and put in new visual effects, aka class skins.

My problem is that in most cases these heroic talents just do more of the same, they donā€™t introduce anything new and they certainly donā€™t combine characteristics of the specs or seek common skills to work on. Some even just have an identical mechanic applied to different spells of each spec, what is the purpose of this?

These talents in the vast majority of cases do not provide anything special that cannot be provided through the already existing system of talents, and even worse falls back on the old sin of shadowlands, mixing a fantasy with ingame power, which will inevitably lead to the same criticism.

ā€œWhy do I have to choose between looking great and being optimal?ā€


They probably outsized the devs for those classes, and just figured whoeverā€™s doing druid and paladin can patch it up real quick before the deadline.

Why are some of these built around optional talents from the class/spec trees? Now Iā€™m expecting Xuen and the Cat Statue to be forced down my throat even moreā€¦

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The fundamental issue with covenants was they tied player power to something thematic. Itā€™s the same bloody thing here.