Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

They literally said on stage at Blizzcon that it’d be evergreen.

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Evaluating these for what they are: picking between two different mini trees filled with interactions. They seem fine. I worry there is a lot there that I won’t really care about or at worst don’t want all sorts of random interactions just occurring no matter what I pick.

Honestly my main concern right now is that these trees will have just a ridiculous amount of passive damage that will further push our power creep to the moon when it already feels like we need to rein in our talent trees in dragonflight.

For future purposes I am all for adding a third “hero” tree in our talent widow. But I think it should be a mini version of our current trees not a tree that we end up with every node. And maybe give us fewer talent points post lvl 70? I’m not sure I just feel like these trees are really extra to what we already have. Some classes base trees still need work imo so this just feels like the leaning tower of power on rocky foundation.

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Mostly because It doesn’t come across as Feedback. It comes across as a misconception of what Hero Talents are supposed to be, at least to me. Likely just a communication issue. But I do hope you have a good day.


I feel the same way.

But we will have to see how it turns out.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

There’s obviously no “rule” and this is simply a troll type of comment to make.

When they’ve now done three or four of these, and there are still classes that have seen zero previews, it’s gonna make folks ask questions.


Destro Warlock looks yummy to me.

You are kind of locked into one choice out of two. Or you can gimp yourself.

As for the meta point, if one is obviously better in terms of player power, then if you DON’T take that one, you are limiting yourself in terms of player power. This seems obvious?


Good god.

Delete the Rogue one while you still have time lol.


So…is it like an option to be a hybrid spec? Or something we’ll be forced to do?

People play non meta specs/builds and do higher content all the time. Is it optimal? Eh, probably not. But they have fun. People seem to have forgotten that the point of video games is fun.

Then again I mained Feral Druid for years. so I’m used to not being ‘the good spec/class’.

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It’s amusing seeing non-rogues say the rogue one looks cool.

Hopefully the dev looks at rogue discord rather than anything else.


Uhhh Lazer-Bear bro’s… we are so back. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:
All of WereWolfInn will be like our DF Season2.

Beep Beep for the B-Lazers


Interesting. I was unacquainted with that word (and I’m okay with that lol), so I saw something else, obviously! I still think it’s awkward sounding, but :woman_shrugging:

It’s not meta as in better than other classes as much as it’s meta as in better than the alternate hero option.

If I’m on my BM hunter, and Dark Ranger far and away is more powerful than the other one (Sentinel?) then why would I pick Sentinel? And now what if I’m really not wanting to be a “Dark Ranger” in terms of class fantasy? And if I’m not big into MM, there’s a third complication to this mess. I mean, I’ve been playing some of my characters for 20 years now. I guess I’ll completely readjust my character to suit this new set of mini-talents. And we can pretend they will be evergreen, but the reality is it’s all going to change up and tweak and adjust with Midnight, after all, they will have to add SOMETHING, right?

Honestly at this point I’d have been happier with having 5 extra points in each of the current trees to spend, and call it a day.

Well, of course not.

I’m a little surprised at some of the monks posting here. I mean, haven’t you learned by now? Monks won’t have a hero talent tree posted until just before the PTR for WaWi opens - and it’ll be the Brewmaster/Mistweaver tree. Any changes that happens to any of the monk trees won’t happen until at least halfway through WaWi, regardless of how bad they are.


In it’s current form, barring no changes, the defensive benefits of Colossus gives 15% increase in ignore pain and a flat DR of 2.5% and shock wave depending how far up it’s tossing mobs in the air, could be used for extra semi-utility, not sure until that one is tested, but then again Thane offers zero utility as well and lastly while channeling demolish you’re immune to stuns and can’t be knocked back. That’s not too bad honestly and more than Mountain Thane offers in damage reduction.

I.E Mountain thane is a bunch of chance damage procs based off certain attacks or Avatar and only a 4% DR for 5 seconds based off those procs happening.

What I don’t get is:
There are 11 nodes in a Hero Talent tree. The first of these unlocks with the system at level 71, and you earn 1 talent point per level from level 71 to 80, so you get every talent in the tree by level 80.

If first one opens at 71 and you get one point per level, that’s 10 points. Where does the 11th point come from? lol.

Well everyone has their opinions…but boy it sounds like you are going through some mental gymnastics to find reasons to be upset with a system we haven’t even tested yet. Really hope you stretched before all those flips.

I always love when folks on forums go out of their way to make assumptions about how others think and feel. Don’t you have something better to do?

:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

My guy you just went out of your way to explain how a choice we don’t even know the full mechanics or details behind could possibly, maybe, someday, be bad for you. And you think I’m going out of my way? Man I hope you have a good day buddy. But uh…I’m out.