Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

They sure do want Outlaw Rogues to use Killing Spree even though they shoved it down to row 10 from row 8 (not to mention you lose control).


Anyone else sees this as yet another layer of complexity nobody wanted? Why couldn’t it just be cosmetic to leave you to increase your class fantasy? This has a Shadowlands covenant feels to it that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


I posted in the threads I cared about but tl;dr

Herald of the Sun sounds like it’ll be fun for melee holy, since it has a larger focus on spenders and not hard casting heals, which I love.

Templar feels a tad directionless, and when sitting next to Herald just looks dull. Relentless Charge needs to be significantly more interesting. My suggestion was if not turning it into a targeted dash into an enemy, then at least give it a cool effect like trampling (damage) to enemies in your path or something.

Not much to add with Scalecommander, except the capstone talent, Maneuverability should just be baseline for all evoker flying breath moves.

It’s not too late to scrap Hero Talents completely Blizz ^^

We are seeing a trend with these trees which either adds needless complexity to classes or highlights the worst aspects of them. Just make them cosmetic and fix the current trees you have!


So you want no form of talent progression going in to the next Expansion? Just
the same thing we have now?


Yeah, after the constant gaining and losing abilities over the years it’s gotten tiring to see these obvious borrowed power systems repainted.

Would have preferred to have more specs or classes instead. Something actually persistent.

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The point of this “New Hero Talents” its to feel like an upgrade for your existing kit by adding new spells and utility effects for the currents ones , like the Scale comander one.
not for it to tell me that the spell that i ready know will be the same but do 2% more damage like the colosus one or having the same effect of a tier set that you remove from the game for adding it to the class and call it “New” Please redo the warrior “Hero Talents” to something more new and unice not a Tide of Battle : Colossal Might increases the damage of Overpower and Revenge by 2%.
That 2% should be an upgrade of strength for leveling up , not for wasting it by a unice “Talent” slot

Hero talents aren’t going away at the end of TWW. They already said this. it isn’t a borrowed power system.

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Cool now do Shaman

Yes. That’s exactly what I want. Some classes still have horrid talent trees (see monk). More talents are not needed to enjoy this game and to feel a sense of progression.


See, you say that, But once we’re in to TWW and talents are balanced
then everyone starts to feel that sense of boredom as they’ve gotten nothing new to their playstyle for the expansion. Nothing to change to make themselves feel like they’ve gotten something new. And then when everyone’s feeling that drag of something missing from the experience
they’ll blame blizzard for not offering anything new to them. So your idea sounds good on paper, but would hurt in the long run.


Colossus seems pretty boring. I would test it when we could do it.

Also do warriors really need of this “rework”?

Its not a rework fyi. Theyre just moving talents around

Love the warlock one! Looks awesome :slight_smile:

I really fear of what they will make for the warriors with their talent tree.

Minor point, but I show only one L:

I sound it as dee-awb-uh-list

As a Destruction main on all of my Warlocks I don’t love or hate Diabolist but it is really nice to finally see a Warlock hero talent tree though so that gets points from me for that alone honestly.


Nice to see my December prediction is holding firm.


I had a feeling it would be the one we got, but I do wish we’d gotten one for Affliction. While I play Demo and Destruction from time to time. Affliction is my favorite Warlock spec.

Overall none of them seemed like an immediate miss like oracle did in the last set. Of these I’d say the rogue and warlock ones are outliers.

The rogue one is a negative outlier since rogue has a lot of buttons and I counted 3 extra added to outlaw’s rotation(feint which should be bound already to be fair but not as a damage button, distract which is most certainly not on every rogues keybinds, and killing spree which is currently not taken) and it also makes rogues tankier for some reason. Also 5(7) second maintenance buffs give me an instinctive rejection response I could have misread how its meant to work though. Despite this it seems interesting enough and it is not oracle tier(shelfing priest if it becomes meta) bad.

The warlock one is the positive outlier for me, it doesn’t seem to change much aside from having to take cataclysm and it adds some interesting interactions with the preexisting kit. I worry that it’ll be a lot stronger for destro then it is for demo if it boils down to soul shard spam, because soul shard rain of fire spam can theoretically get two diabolic ritual demons out at a time at full output. That being said soul shard spam rain of fire getting out two diabolic demons and turning two of those rain of fires into super hand of gul dan sounds awesome and warlock spell effects tend to not miss so having a few new ones is pretty exciting.

Of the remaining six I don’t really play those classes much lately aside from evoker which looks good, though I have a concern that if you can turn with breath you might end up being to double back like starting the breath on your target’s hit box and then doing a loop and ending the breath where you started and possibly doubling up the buff if this is possible that makes the tree ridiculous. Aside from that feral looks to be eating well paladins seem to be solid, prot warrior damage options are secured and I have to wonder if general class talents are being looked at since a few things made me raise my eyebrows aside from the shockwave existing on the warrior tree.

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