Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

This just seems like covenants 2.0 without the sanctums.


Why does glistening fur feel like it should already be in the gameā€¦
you guys seriously need to look at the defensivie disparities that moonkin has compared to other classesā€¦ our defensives shouldnt be transforming into a different form with minor hp buffs for a couple secondsā€¦ besides barskin and bear form, we have nothing else to use to survive. We need external DRs and healers to babysit us, because we have no way to handle large amounts of damage.

Over time, youve given other specs/classes an excess of DRs in order to help, but youve given moonkins nothing. They need help badly. Make barskin a 30sec dr for moonkins or give us some other low cd dr because plenty of other classes have way more than 2 defensives to useā€¦

In what way does this seem like Covenants?

Herald of the Sun looks sick, Iā€™m glad Hpalā€™s only hero talent build is actually cool.
Itā€™s a different take on Hpal, making them more of a cooldown reliant HoT healer instead of a big upfront healer & Iā€™m interested to see where this design goes.

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No conduits, no conduit energy, no grinding for conduits or renown. No restrictions on changing them (other than the usual restrictions on talents)

Itā€™s literally just another row of talents.

Thereā€™s always going to be a greater path then the other, which just pigeon holes you into said talents. Much like classes got pigeon holed into covens regardless of if they liked it or not

Wildspirits (nightfae) was what hunters were pigeon holed into, because every other one was drastically behind in terms of damage pve wise.

There is only the illusion of choice

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Class Fantasy tied to Class Power. No matter how well they balance it you know 80-90% of people will go with whatever icy-veins or another site tells them to even if it goes against their class fantasy.

At Blizzcon this sounded like an exciting idea. Now that Iā€™m seeing more of the nitty-gritty details itā€™s not only underwhelming but looks like it could be trouble for some people. Some of these Hero Talents seem to rely on the player having already taken a base talent, thus removing a choice they previously made in order to interact with the new system at all.

Honestly, Iā€™d be willing to give up this entire system in exchange for cosmetic class skins that just make our ability visuals change to match our class fantasy with zero gameplay difference.


Druids and dks were the first trees shown to us for DF. They never got changed until after 10.0.5 and even later, and even they were very minor

So i wouldnt be too mad at these classes that are getting their trees firstā€¦

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People keep making this claim. These are talents. These arenā€™t covenants. You arenā€™t locked into them. And the whole meta mentality is a community thing. You can play what you want. As was said above, thereā€™s no conduits, no energy grinding. No restrictions on changing them. These are Talents not conduits. Stop using Youtuber buzz phrases. If you want them to be better leave feedback on what changes Blizz needs to improve on. Otherwise youā€™re just parroting people who clickbait you.


Honestly if there was actual class fantasy tied to these i would agree with the cov comparison.
But other than dark ranger, these are pretty much just flashy talents.


That is a community mentality not a Blizzard choice. As for the talent choices required by the hero trees if you arenā€™t happy with them, leave feedback like people did with Oracle. And they arenā€™t going to scrap Hero talents for cosmetic only skins. As cool as that would sound it would mean no form of actual progression with the talent system for TWW and that would make even more players mad.

This is just talents that are meant to highlight class fantasy. No matter how hard you try to link them to covenantsā€¦they arenā€™t covenants.


Copying what I said in a different post:

I definitely like the look of Diobolist, but the cataclysm node is throwing me off a bit. Is it meant to be chosen in our talents or will it be baseline?

I also donā€™t like the idea of random demons. Destruction already has RNG with our mastery, I donā€™t like the thought of even more RNG

Why you guys still refuses to reference Anā€™she in anything that is Sun related? Why you guys refuse to reference Loa in druidism and keep it Alliance centered? Thatā€™s become infuriating, really


If we have ā€œChoose of Eluneā€ itā€™s only fair that you guys rename Herald of the Sun to Herald of Anā€™she


I donā€™t want to be too gloom and doom here, but shaman repeatedly rarely get highlighted in these pre-expansion design posts/reveals and it really shows when it launches:

  • Resto gets the same toolkit and cannot compete, so it gets its boring numbers bumped up.
  • Enhancement gets some new talents, 50/50 split if it has a resource bar, and you keep playing Simon Says.
  • Elemental gets the same talents, most harvested from old legendaries or artifacts, and you only ever hit Lava Burst or Lightning Bolt.

For a class that has such a continuous problem with its identity and competitiveness, itā€™s very disheartening not to see any Hero trees for them. Again. The pattern looks to continue.


all these passive talents extremely lazy and dull design do better


so hero talents are basically passive tree points but called ā€œhero talents got itā€

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Dedicate yourself to the Moon Goddess

I really donā€™t understand why this has to be so specific that it kills class fantasy for any non-night elves and non-elune worshipping lore. But then wildstalker is your lore neutral hero talent? Blizzard, there is only one other major pantheon for druidism, yet youā€™ve still managed to completely exclude them from druid hero talents. Thatā€™s not just impressively disappointing, thatā€™s disgustingly playing favorites.


Blizz already has trouble balancing the game. Especially for pvp. Pvp this season and end of last has been on its deathbed. Iā€™m genuinely worried about pvp going forward hope they do something different to breathe some life back into it. Or it could very possibly be DOA next expac.

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Letā€™s see if I can clear this up for you.

Hero Talent trees are an extension of the Class and spec trees that offer ways to enhance the spec and class and offer different choices. They arenā€™t designed to have tons of new active abilities, but offer some actives while mostly giving passive buffs and some thematic changes to enhance playstyles and class fantasy. They were never billed as some huge change to your overall class.

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