Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

That’s probably the idea behind it.

Place buttons that already exist into the rotation.

Here’s an idea for a rogue hero talent: Slice and Dice becomes a passive buff. Do that.


I have been thinking about that, and from looking at all of the various ‘hero talents’ they are almost going to HAVE to make the converted abilities baseline along with a number of others. Killing spree from rogue, cataclysm from warlock, treants/tenders from druid, PI and gs/ps support talents from priest, thunderclap/shockwave from war… and the list goes on.

They have to be massively redesigning the talent trees and taking a lot of abilities back to baseline. The only other option is they are completely oblivious to the bucket full of poo they are hoisting up and are about to pour on their own head.

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how does holy pal look?

One thing I’ve seen no one else point out:
With the design of hero talents linking pairs of existing specs, this effectively eliminates any possibility of adding future support/buff specs to any other classes :face_with_monocle:

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Given the fact that Hero Talents are an evergreen feature, meaning many more are likely to be added into the future. It does not in fact eliminate the possibility of more support style specs. It does however open the possibility of giving existing specs support style utility: See Light Smith for example.

Fix their current talent trees that have a LOT of problems? That’s a start.


So, just balancing. Nothing new for The War Within? No changes other than balance? And you think people will be okay with that after the first month of the expansion? Like I get wanting things to be worked on, But I’ve played this game a long time now. If the fan base feels Blizzard has not given them enough new content or features in an expansion they turn vicious.

And what is the ‘change’ with hero talents anyway? It’s just artifact nodes/relics/azerite amor with a different name. There’s nothing exciting about it. Scrap all of this together and bring some cosmetic changes to fit your taste on your current class/spec.

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That Warrior one is definitely NOT going live like that…

Chances are that the +10% Critical Damage, from Martial Expert will get removed, or halved… Otherwise the stacking increased +Critical Strike damage on certain abilities will snowball, remember Impale already exists in the Arms Tree, which provides it’s own baseline +10% Critical Damage…

The Warlock Hero tree looks good, but the inclusion of NP is troubling as it’s still something of a problem child.

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Like I said before…the hero talents will be compared to covenants and azerite armor with the way they are designed currently proposed.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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I disagree. But it’s very obvious neither of us are going to convince the other. I hope you have a good evening. :dracthyr_comfy_blue:

I am not against passives that add flavor to existing core and spec abilities. But the problem is forcing passives to abilities that are currently talents which forces talent choices.

For Rogues I am presuming Kspree is becoming baseline again because right now it is a talent. But if you do not want to use Kspree you are forced into taking it into a talent currently to have access to Trickster Rogue hero talent choices.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

The Rogue one is so bad that it could be copied and pasted for use in the April Fools post they make each year lol.


I wonder if it’s bait from the Blizz devs. They make a tree that is absolutely trash, then when everyone complains about it they rework it just so they can say “See, we listen!”

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Hush. You will not destroy my chance to be a Dark Ranger.

Considering how bad Oracle was I can not just dismiss your theory.


Colossus means as Arms Warrior we’ll be able make dps as a 1h + Shield user?
Mortal Strike will be able to be used with 1h weapons?
Or we just rely on 2h Weapon Mortal and we’ll keep having the possibility to use shield skills just for fun, but without any relevant use?

For the Scalecommander tree there are a few things that need to be reworked.


Onslaught. Entering combat grants a charge of Burnout, causing your next Living Flame to cast instantly.

Sounds cool to mitigate some of the rng Devastation has with burnout procs early in the dragonrage. However, for 99.9% of the remaining encounter in a raid this is now a dead passive. This passive is also anti-synergistic with the talent below it Unrelenting Siege where you want to stay in combat. Maybe this talent just needs to have an extra line that also gives you a burnout proc after X amount of Essence spent.

Which brings me the 2nd.

Unrelenting Siege. For each second you are in combat, Azure strike and Living Flame deal 1% increased dmg, up to 50%.

Few problems here. It takes nearly a minute until it is full power. Does the % decay overtime out of the combat or does it immediately clear? If it doesn’t decay and immediately clears then everytime you drop combat in a Mythic + keystone or Arena/Battleground you will have to re-ramp this buff over another 50 seconds. Like I mentioned with Onslaught, this talent is anti-synergistic with it. If you have to maintain combat then Onslaught is a dead passive. One suggestion like I made for Onslaught is to maybe have this stack up with essence spent rather than overtime. Have it be a buff you maintain so dropping out of combat doesn’t immediately clear.

The rest of the tree we will have to wait and see how often Bombardment procs and how steering Deep Breath works. But for now Onslaught and Unrelenting Siege as a pair need to be looked at.