Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

A lot of this will likely be adjusted during live testing.

Hey, that just means that none of yours suck.

The druid ones
 all suck. Like, blow total balls level of suck. Can’t wait to play guardian, and somehow the FotM is the stupid lunar beam BS.

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weird that you keep giving this “crap company” your money :thinking:

Yet. None of them suck, yet.
Theres still time for further monk disappointment haha

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I’d rather have nothing than have nonsense

It could be that Monk tree(s) are getting such a substantial rework that they can’t do the Hero Paths until the class trees are done.

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I have a theory the entire class might get an talent tree overhaul. It’s sorely needed anyways. 2 tree’s with wakes as an activator is bad since it’s basically an end tree talent.

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I see, Well I personally don’t consider the hero trees Nonsense. But that’s just my opinion. :dracthyr_shrug: Hope you have a great night.

TBH, I thought the Hero Talents were going to be more about class fantasy rather than adding more player power. I mean what will happen in the expansion after this
just more Hero talents
then we get back to the place where we were previously and there was the great pruning and simplification of the talent builds. Maybe the War Within needs some other expansion feature that is evergreen.

I mean I guess it will be fine, the content creators will make the builds for us and we will import them, but things seem to keep getting more complicated and probably turning away new and the more casual players.

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I don’t get the hate. So far they seem pretty nifty to me. I mean, there will always be a “meta”, but I welcome the different potential playstyles and class flavor.

I am getting some strong Covenant flashbacks here. Hope the people who play a pure DPS class luck out and have the hero talents they want be the one that’s needed for M+ or Raiding or w/e they want to do.

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Holy Paladin hasn’t felt good for content above 5-man stuff since early-mid MoP. They keep shoving Druid-like mechanics onto it. Late MoP ended up with Eternal Flame. Then we got Glimmer in BfA. Now we’re getting Glimmer AND Eternal Flame and I have never wanted to puke because of class design as much as I did when I saw that.

Stop it. Drop the HoT and PseudoHoT nonsense. Make Light of Dawn worth casting on less than 5 stacked targets (seriously, WoG + Beacon Healing is more worthwhile if its not overhealing if it’s anything less). Make the increased range on Light of Dawn baseline. Add something else for their AoE kit that is more direct. The class and spec is to front and center to be playing offbrand Druid.

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Agree. I mean don’t get me wrong, some of this stuff really cool, I’m looking forward to using Chosen of Elune as Bear and having an arcane gamaging Thrash, because it has the potential to change how we look at the class, build our talent tree and make our rotation. But I think they missed the mark here. Across the board it might be an overall 25% to 30% buff to dmg and healing, which is really good, but its just a flat power boost, nothing more. Imagine the outrage if all classes and specs were getting a flat power boost

As far as I can see the “sub spec” will be playing exactly the same. Even allowing for your class tree basline healing talents (Rejuv, Swiftmend, Wild Gorwth and Regrowth) to be casted in catform would have gone a long way for both specs.
If the aim here was to create a more inmersive playstyle this isn’t going to do it.

Demon Hunters should have been first. I’m deleting my monk and death knight since they too are not considered to be Hero talented. :frowning:

They showed off San’layn for DK

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another system to prove you guys can’t balance around it!

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colossus needs work. making demolish a 2 second root for the caster kills the spec for pvp and high mobility raid fights. also colossus brings yet another stack to manage for arms which already has to manage several stacks from overpower , mortal strike , and execute.


With its current design of 2 per spec, and specs linked, it defintely does do exactly what I suggested. Did you even imagine how a new spec added would play into that before replying? Say Shaman got a 4th spec, this new spec’s hero talents would then link to two other specs, right? How would it do that? Would those other two just now get 3 hero talent options when every other spec gets only two?

Rather easily actually I would imagine.

Let’s break this down with a hypothetical.

New Shaman support Spec

Spec name: Earth Breaker

Type: Tank/Support

Hero Trees: Seismic (New Hero Tree for Earth Breaker and Enhancement), Volcanic (New Hero Tree for Elemental and Earth Breaker) As these would likely be introduced as part of a future expansion they will come with other fresh waves of Hero trees added across the board.

They could add others to balance this out. Make sure it lines up easily.

You kinda won’t though. You’ll get some abilities with Dark Ranger names but that’s about it. That’s why it seems pointless to me.