Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

In b4 it isn’t… Could sub get a stealth 3 against pvp groups w/ dh’s??? like at 100% health I focus intently on not being detected for 30secs.

Funny, the design of the rogue’s tree is so bad that I almost feel Blizz doesn’t really have a designer for the rogue spec. But adding feint to rotation is just like adding vanish to rotation, which makes me feel they might actually have a designer for rogue.

I hope they don’t touch the Mistweaver tree at all.

After ALOT of thought, and reviewing these in as much as I understand the classes I’m familiar with, I’m choosing to pretend these don’t exist and am EXCITED to completely ignore “Hero Specs.”

Hopefully the ADHD kids enjoy “getting more powerful.”

More than anything, after rejecting and banishing Oracle to the Abyss where it belongs, I hope that the Devs can focus on the trinity of FFF.

Function: Does my class work and is it reasonably competitive?
Feel: How does my class feel mechanically and thematically?
Fun: Is my class fun to play?

If the answers are not:
Yes it works.
It isn’t a rng cobbled mess.
and I love my class and think everyone should play.
Then that means they need to go back to the drawing board and try again.

You have something against people with ADHD?

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Nope, have it myself. I DO have problems with people who role Nelf on purpose tho! And Zoomers.


Riiiiiiiight…you have fun with that.

hey man can you guys like you know… help tune pvp a bit… for the few people still playing

You forgot can the class/spec be played by a human without addons or macros at all levels of competition?

Can we stop turning rogue utility abilities into rotation abilities? Why not just make a new skill for Unseen Blade?


I laughed when I read that, that’s great!

People here act like they are ignoring monks cause they totally arnt getting a rework or anything…

Just because they designed the tree doesn’t mean it will be working.

Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half

We need less button bloat, not more

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I mean, they could always say “btw monks getting a rework in tww so their hero talents will be shown later” if that is the case.

No one is excited for the Trickster rogue tree, at least no one in the Discord Outlaw Rogue community. Most having the sentiment of “Well… I hope Fatebound is good, because I am going with what ever that is going to be.” Turning a defensive into a offensive CD never really feels good. If I have a defensive I want to save it and be able to press it when I need it, not just use it on CD for DPS. This was a problem with Windwalker for a very long time where you would use Karma and then purposely stand in the bad for increased DPS. Want us to Feint more? Don’t make it such a massive DPS loss to use and god forbid you take it off the GCD so we can time it easier for mechanics. Not many like Killing Spree, and no one takes it currently, being forced into it feels extremely bad. Killing Spree has a habit of just getting you killed yourself. Much of this feels like someone is trying to prop up things that people already don’t like about the class to begin with, forcing people to play poorly designed abilities/talents. Want us to take Killing Spree? Make it worth using and redesign it so it doesn’t lock us in place for 3 seconds where we can just get hit by bad and die, and fix the problem with over capping resources if you press it. Same problem as Windwalker again with Fists of Fury, Killing Spree is just a much much worse FoF. No one likes playing around ground targeted abilities, they are clunky to use as you can’t Q them up. No one wants to use Distract in their DPS rotations. The only reason some ground targeted abilities don’t get as much hate as they should is because how strong some are, like for DH.

Feint, Distract, and Killing Spree. 3 more abilities added to the rotation. No one wants more rotational bloat except maybe DH, and I doubt most of them do either. You want to get people excited about something? Come up with ways to reduce bloat but still keep functionality. For instance, maybe Shadow Dance or Vanish get 2 charges and a change to their CD, but you lose access to the other ability. Less button bloat similar use case. A talent that makes Slice and Dice extend or better yet apply with every finisher usage.

Mastery bonus? Mastery being a terrible stat for Outlaw… feels bad man.

If you use Hero talents as a way to prop up under used or unpopular abilities\talents everyone is going to hate those Hero talents. Then if they also happen to be what is best or meta for your content it will feel extremely bad.

All Hero talents should be directly compared with how a class plays without the Hero talents. Outlaw vs Outlaw Trickster, if they were tuned to have the exact same output, people would choose Outlaw every single time, even if you lost a small amount of utility.


I’m a bit perplexed that the rogue discord constantly rode the dev doing the rework about button/rotational bloat, and then the same guy manages to come up with this tree and be surprised people aren’t happy with it.


The rogue preview has got to be a joke. Feint and Distract as offensive abilities? Just stop already with this turning utility/defensives into cooldown/rotation. please.

The last thing rogues need are more buttons in their rotation.