Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

It’s really amazing how adding the word “hero” suddenly makes so many people not remember that we get new talents every expansion and updates to the existing ones at the same time. It’s been happening for close to 2 decades and never been such an issue.


Right, sure, I guess we will. As I said, hope you have a good day.


lol, yeah… We can hope.

So very true. I’m not above complaining about how something is set up. I really wish we didn’t have so many abilities to manage. I hate feeling like I need addons just to keep track of what I need to be activating.

Hope is such a dangerous weapon… thus why the ancients wrote that when Pandora managed to close the box “Hope” remained trapped with in it, for to the ancients Hope was the most dangerous of plagues…

Even so I do still give into that siren song from time to time.

Have a better one.

Doubtful. We are always last and always a work in progress when things go live. Then we are forgotten.

I knew one of you forum apologists would show up, god you guys love making excuses for this team. People aren’t dumb like you think they are, we can see that this system is going to be problematic, just like people knew Legion legendaries were going to be garbage, and the MoP talent rows were going to suck, and the borrowed power systems they tried for 3 expansions.

This team has a horrible track record when they try for new stuff like these hero talents.

Blizzard needs to get back to basics and focus on making a fun game again instead of trying to create more systems to balance.

You’re trying to equate talent revamps and talent tree tweaks we got with new expansions to an entire new system. Please, just stay out of this thread. I’m so sick of reading these endless excuses by Blizzard zealots like you.

I know I’m going to be right, bookmark this thread so you can eat crow at the end of the year.

You can’t even see that these are just talents and not systems like those other borrowed power ones.


Wow…you really are bitter. I try to end things in a civil manner and you just have to keep throwing spite. I really hope you can learn to let that go. Life’s hard enough for all of us without holding in that kind of negativity over a video game.


Diabolist first impression feedback. TL;DR Good vibes. Some potential issues that should be easily addressed well before Beta.

Cataclysm and Inferno need to be separated if hero talents are going to affect only one of them.

I hope the summoned demons are not only balanced, but summoned in an order rather than randomly. Pit Lord droughts when its skill effects are pretty clearly the strongest would feel terrible.

If Nether Portal is not getting a complete overhaul in functionality before TWW, it needs to be taken out of these talents completely. And the pit lord summoned by nether portal cannot be allowed to trigger pit lord effects from the tree.

I sincerely hope that Flames of Xoroth is a placeholder because that is not a worthy “Hero” talent.

Demonic Ritual could see the return of Soul Burn abuse which needs to be addressed before these talents are ever available for testing. Concerning Ritual specifically, I hope that casting a Chaos Bolt or Hand of Gul’dan that triggers the effect will also remove the appropriate time from the buff based on shard expenditure.

Overall, I think the idea is spectacular and it has the potential to make both specs substantially more fun to play.

I get tired of the people always making excuses for this game.

I’m concerned about DH. There’s only two specs. Does that mean there will be only one?

Because I really don’t need a bunch of generic talents that add nearly nothing. DHs already have a limited toolkit (got better only recently, honestly) which means two Hero Talent trees could become quite the stretch.

I mean, even if access to another Meta was provided, its effects are so ‘meh’ that not much would be gained from it.

Really, I don’t wanna see a tree that has a “talents based on Sigil of Chains for Havoc!” like that’s something to be thankful for. Or “oh hey, you can Infernal Strike on Havoc!” and I’d be like “why that choice wasn’t given to us on class talents already?

Y’know what this means? It means that, thanks to the fact DHs only have two specs, any Hero Talent is effectively just Basic Class Talents.

Anyway. The kind of fantasy behind Hero Talents for DH simply isn’t there. We’d need something new like Dreadlords, Nightmare or whatever so these talents become more than “generic green fire talents”.

Maybe a 3rd spec is coming? I doubt that. If not, can we get at least one HT tree that gives us a playstyle for a perma-Meta that provides some neat changes to our skills? Something like “morphs Imprison into Sleep” and “Eye Beam becomes Carrion Swarm”, etc.

Demon Hunter has two.

Aldrachi Reaver


Neither have been revealed yet.


Citation needed. There was a lot of positive buzz about both of these systems when they first came out. You’re not the “no Pandaria flying for months” person are you?


No, there wasn’t.

Getting the feeling these might be ‘Flames of Xoroth’ trees.

and nothing for shammy as well.

Aldrachi reaver will probably center heavily on movement and blade abilities. While Fel-scarred will probably center around Metamorphosis.

That seems so vague.

We use the exact same abilities in Meta. It’s not like blade abilities and movement aren’t part of Meta.

So… :woman_shrugging:

Let’s hope it’s more than a ‘Furious Gaze’ tree.

It’s more a vague guess based around the names. I am sure we’ll learn more soon.

So the Templar one for paladin is lookin pretty good overall, though im wondering about if light’s deliverance adds duration to shake the heavens or if it just refreshes, if it just refreshes then there’s lost value and synergy with that.

For Herald of the Sun, I think a change that should be made should be instead of empowering hammer of wrath should be empowering final verdict instead. It’s weird that one is a holy power generator and the other is a spender. Plus if you take the capstone that makes hammer of wrath always crit, then the increased chance on hammer becomes completely null. There’s also no clarification on whether or not the Aurora talent requires us to talent into divine purpose or not.