Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

It is the same new talents we get, it’s just people desperate to find something negative to compare it to, and parroting what clickbait youtubers tell them.

Since Burning Crusade. About two months after the launch of TBC is when I started.

This reminds me of the Spongebob meme- “How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?”

This has happened for several expansions now. System gets announced, intelligent people find the flaws and bring it to everyone’s attention, forum trolls defend Blizz, system and expansion launches, flaws get exposed to the general public, Blizz takes a year to fix and/or remove aspects of the system, Blizz starts work on the next expansion and the system gets dropped.

I want to be as optimistic as the next guy…but I mean come on here people, we’ve seen this time and again.


We’ve gotten a new set of talents every expansion. This is nothing new.

When people disagree with you they clearly have no thoughts of their own and are simply parroting other things. Shocked.

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It’s not the disagreement part that makes me thinks this. It’s the echo of the same talking points I see in clickbait youtube videos that make sensationalist claims with no data to back them up. Glad we had this talk. Have a good day.

So when two people say the same thing, then it’s clearly and obviously that the one you are talking to HAD to be influenced by the other, and it’s OBVIOUSLY wrong, again because you disagree?

You really should work on being more civil and reasonable in your discourse.

It’s easier for him to dismiss their assertions with this assumption rather than having to take what they’re saying in good faith.

Maybe lots of people are saying the same thing here and on youtube because there’s a valid reason.

Span of time I did not have a problem with the direction of the talent system as a whole: End of TBC (when I started) → WoD
When I started getting concerned due to borrowed power mechanics: Legion
When I started feeling stronger dissatisfaction, again due to borrowed power: BfA & LS
Hard-Won Lessons Seeming Clearly Forgotten: Dragonflight

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Her, but I know it’s hard to guess genders over an online forum.

It sure is! You’re right though, I probably should have opted for a neutral designation without further knowledge.

No biggie. As I said, it’s hard to guess. And character models aren’t always a good indication of RL Gender identity. Despite what we disagree on I don’t hold any ill will. :dracthyr_nod: Genuinely hope you have a good day.

The game is a bloated mess, and the current talent trees need a lot of work still. They should have focused on these areas first before introducing another system.

They can barely balance the crap they have in the game now. All these passives are is just a marketing gimmick so they can say they are adding new stuff to the expansion.

Edit: This idea that people can’t form their own opinions is just a stupid deflection. Address the points here, and stop using the tired blame in some Youtuber because you disagree with what people are saying.

I thought they were trying to reduce the amount of buttons combat uses? Now they add more?


This is insanely bland and uninteresting for how much it got hyped.


Okay, cool, Let’s break this down.

1.) This game has never had perfect balancing, and ‘bloat’ is subjective to what you find too much or too little. I do think some classes have way too many abilities and some have too little.

2.) The devs continue to work on balancing class trees and bring out nerfs, buffs, and reworks often. Is it to the liking of everyone in the playerbase? No, but you know what? That’s impossible cause everyone wants their stuff to be worked on right away.

3.) What some consider to be bad, others don’t. So Blizz has to balance what feedback to listen to, and what data they have. Some feel their classes are ignored, while others who play the same class feel like they are in a good spot. This has been the case since I have been playing this game.

4.) If Blizzard did nothing but offer balancing adjustments for The War Within sure, some would be happy, others would feel like Blizz was offering them nothing for the expansion in forms of leveling progression. Nothing in the way of new customizations for their playstyles. It’s a lose either way situation.

5.) Many of the things being offered in Hero talents are things people HAVE been asking for, things people have wanted to come back for their classes. And Blizz has feedback threads up for each Hero tree so that if people are unhappy they can make suggestions to change things. (See Oracle Priest for example)

6.) Just because we disagree does not mean I in any way shape or form hold anything against you. As I said to another above. At the end of the day, this is just a game. We’re both people. And I hope you have a good day.


Like they could just scrap all of this and just work on balancing the rest of Outlaw’s tree for example, make the other capstone talents viable alternatives to crackshot. It’d take way less work and be much easier to do, like someone said earlier in the thread they’re doing this garbage just so they can say they made “new content” for the new xpac.

Same thing for storm build for Enhance, and a bunch of other specs that have a crazy overwhelming amount of buttons and buffs that chew up new players and make them quit.


Shaman? Monk?

Why do I feel like this is a bad sign and indicates that blizzard hasn’t a clue about what to do with these two classes?


Scalecommander is really disappointing for Devastation. Starting with Mass disintegrate… this is essentially just a 50% buff to disintegrate single target damage. Isn’t there something more imaginative that could be done here? You are reshaping the spec to actually use Deep breath, which is a weird choice by itself, but that means for AoE you have azure strike, fire breath, eternity surge, pyre, deep breath… Do you really need another ability for such a niche situation such as 3 targets?

The tier 2 “onslaught” talent feels extremely week in comparison to other Tier 2 talents - a charge every 30-45 seconds would make sense, but even looking at Wildstalker talents most of the Tier 2 talents are increases to damage. 1 Living flame in a 6 minute fight isn’t even remotely close to a 6% damage increase to an ability.

Bombardments I don’t mind. It makes sense, but my entire issue here is how the spec is essentially going to revolve around Deep Breath.

It seems like such an odd choice. Right now it is used basically for 2 reasons - break snares and reposition when hover is down. To make it a core component of the rotation even with “Maneuverability” just forces us to use it for DPS.

Increased black dragonflight damage… this will literally only help augmentation evokers. Upheaval and eruption are used constantly and are black dragonflight spells. Devastation only has Deep breath.

For a spec designed around “ruling from the skies” there is only 1 talent built around hover.

Honestly this is an augmentation hero talent tree, not devastation.

Recommendations -

Change Mass disintegrate to Command: Disintegrate. Every 3rd spell cast of an essence ability does not consume essence and a member of the black dragonflight joins the fray to cast it in your stead. Adds essentially the same amount of damage and you can build the spec around added combatants.

Remove the reliance on black dragonflight spells OR change the Tier 2 “onslaught” to “Volcanic Attunement” - Devastation: Disintegrate changes to a black dragonflight ability, Augmentation - Volcanic damage causes your primary target to deal less damage

Fundamental changes to deep breath - “Maneuverability” for all intensive purposes changes these abilities into a “channel you can do while moving”. Make it possible to cancel the spell midflight, and also stand still while casting so that the entire duration of the spell can be used on any mobs up to 15 yards in front of you. It will not be fun to have a move where I have to fly in a circle around the boss and cannot cancel it.

People have been complaining about skill bloat now for 3 expansions, and now they’re adding more bloat to the game.

The current trees need a lot of attention, so why create more systems to balance when they can’t even balance and make the current trees interesting?

People have been complaining about these expansion specific systems now since Legion. People just want new content, this idea that are classes need constant power upgrades and new skills every expansion is only wanted by a small minority of players.

Who has been asking for this? All I see is people complaining that their class kits feel bloated. Player power is off the charts right now, and now they’re going to add even more with these passives.

These new systems are going to be an epic failure, you will see.


One could hope that the Shaman/Monk designer is scouring the feedback for the already released ‘Trees’ and will avoid similar pitfalls.

But who am I kidding, these designers can’t win. No matter what they put forth, some will :yellow_heart: it, some will :person_shrugging: it, and others will :poop: on it.

Some of the feedback has been decent though, the devs have already been making changes based on it.