Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

I dunno I’m not a game designer. I just know what I’m not having fun with as a player.


I’m not gonna beat my head on this particular brick wall. Have a good night man.

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It’s not an easy problem to tackle.

I would like to echo this sentiment as well.

I think if you are playing a Hero Path that is a cross between Restoration and Feral druid, you should get a perk of not losing form when casting your heals.

But then also add a feature or it could be a choice where if you do shift forms, you heals is enhanced/more powerful due to you being a Druid in shifting forms all the time.

  • Shifting Vines (Feral)
    The damage done from Blood Seeker Vines and the healing done from your next Regrowth is increased by 15% for 10 seconds each time you shift forms, stacking up to 3.
  • Entangled Growth (Feral)
    You cast Regrowth on yourself instantly each time you use a finishing move and an additional Regrowth to a nearby friendly target for each stack of Blood Seeker Vines on your target.

So with this, you have the choice to have a damage and healing boost if your shifting forms often OR you can auto heal yourself when you do finishing moves and heal others if your finishing Move was dealt on a target afflicted with Blood Seeker Vines.

Just my thought on making the healing aspect for a feral Wildstalker a bit smoother and less prone to mistakes when accidentally shifting or at least increase the healing done if you are shifting.

But I’m not a Druid main. So take that with a grain of salt.

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The surprise news is: those classes are being scrapped. You log in to your monk on pre-patch launch only to find it’s a warrior now.

With regards to the warrior talent tree getting a rework, can we also please get a druid tree rework? Things like tireless pusuit for boomy, clone/typhoon for feral/guardian, and decurse for all non-resto specs are EXTREMELY clunky

This is what you guys came up with as a major new feature? This is sad. So many of these talents are just stupid.


This idea that the hero talents are a “mix” of the 2 specs that can choose it is wrong i believe. Its just an option that those two specs can both choose, not a mixture of the 2 specs…blizzard should have just made 2 trees for each spec, independent of the other specs of that class.

only 4 likes? That’s kind of sad tbh

From what I’ve heard Deep Breath is a black dragon spell and the one I was thinking was that sunder like move that roots people… so… I guess it works just not as well as say Aug.

I love the fantasy of Elune’s Chosen, and the gameplay mechanics of the tree look interesting too. I’m looking forward to trying this one out.

I think the Scalecommander tree looks REALLY fun and well made, but I think the wildstalker looks unfun for both feral and resto. None of those talents are interactive besides one, which is only interactive for feral (strategic infusion). All of the others are just %increases, either without conditions or with conditions that you don’t actually care/think about (“when you use regrowth”). If we’re talking about augmenting the already existing playstyle, then something about kitty weaving should be improved, hopefully beyond just ‘do more %damage/healing in cat’. Something like:

Allowing casting of some healing spell in cat or cd reduction for resto, while casting regrowth giving energy or cd reduction for feral.

I understand that you don’t want to make feral more complicated, but simple rewards for offhealing for simple rewards for kitty weaving would make both specs feel more rewarding. At the moment, it feels more like the Aberrus feral set bonus, but for both specs. Which sucked.

I’m not surprised they showed all the pally and druid ones. They favor those two classes hard.

All my likes disappeared when Elune’s Chosen (which we’ve already seen) showed up again as a “New Hero Talent Tree.”

xEleventy on it being odd that Feint is a damage button.

Maybe use Shiv instead? Granted, that would step on assassins toes slightly since we already use it for damage there, but it would feel more natural when swapping between specs than suddenly using a defensive for damage.

Not sure the small mastery buff from Flawless Form is very attractive for Outlaw either. Unless Outlaw Mastery is being changed again?

The warlock tree sounds interesting tho.

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Possibly interrupt the castings of targets you can’t normally interrupt since it’s a forced movement ability I’m guessing

Colossus just looks so boring…

I’m hoping that since they haven’t showed any Monk HTs yet is because they’re currently reworking the Monk trees.

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They could still show Monk HTs and just add a developer’s note about upcoming TWW changes, like they did for the Colossus panel.
These are previews after all. These guys are treating it like final revisions ready for testing, being careful/meticulous to not show us something they might cut later – even tho any of this is subject to change in alpha/beta anyway.

There is no guarantee that talents remain evergreen, let alone specs.

Just look at the old demo that got shafted because apparently there can’t be two different versions of metamorphosis existing at the same time.