Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

There’s a bit more to that situation than just “two classes can’t have it.”

It was Demon Hunter first (from WC3), and the Lock designer who gave it to Locks apparently had to go against everyone else on the design team to do so, amid other things. They were not well liked.

So when they left that’s when it got ripped from Locks.

The rogue’s tree here is so bad. Feels like a lazy tier set bonus that would be left on the cutting room floor. This can’t be real.


This might even be worse than covenants tbh.


Some feedback and questions for the Warlock Hero Talent Diabolist.

Capstone talent: Ruination
How does this work for Destro Lock since Chaos Bolt always critically hit and have no power scaling for wild imps? This talent seems to favor only Demo lock?

Will the Destro version of Ruination always crit and the wild imps summoned scaled with Destro lock power?

I’m guessing/hoping like full on Ret style overhaul, so cobbling together HTs for Monks would be pointless at this point in time.

I really don’t like you are making this business so complicated. It isn’t fun at all. I don’t play this game to have to bother with this kind of complexity - I am completely fine with 8 abilities the same expansion after expansion.

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I truly hope the class fantasy/aesthetics go hard. I want to look/feel like a dark ranger, chronowarden, etc.

Hi I’m from EU and made this US account just to be able to express my disappointment in the Colossus Hero Talents for Warrior. I was not very happy about the last hero talent tree for warriors because it was just stacking RNG, but as I play Arms I could still survive on copium. But seeing a channeling most likely static frontal multihit cleave attack, which sounds just like the current Legendary Active is just horrible. It does not matter if you are cc immune and/or can parry/block/dodge, static melee multihit channels and casts feel and play extremely bad. We had Slam as a cast before → felt bad → got changed / we had odin’s fury as a channel before → felt bad → got changed. Especially as an Arms warrior having to rely on a multi hit combo is completely contrary to the class fantasy I and pretty much all Warriors I know. We want SINGLE HITS BIG CRITS, the high reliance on bleeds right now is already detrimental to that but tolerable as it seems to make the class somewhat balanceable. But for a multihit many numbers ability we have a spec that is specialized in that, its called FURY. I like that Arms is slower paced than Fury and Prot but using a static frontal cone ability just doesnt feel good. If you swapped the Channel into one single Attack I could see myself using Colossus. Throw out the immunity to cc etc and stuff a little extra survivability in there and it is fine, not perfect but fine.

In essence Demon Hunters are warlocks, just less nerd and more roids.

As for metamorph both of those were similar yet different. With Demon Hunter becoming one with the demon/fel, while warlocks (save for those going too far such as Kanrethad) drains demons and wear it as armor.

Not to mention that Illidan unlocked metamorphosis by draining Gul’Dan a warlocks’s skull.

And that designer also happened to be the most sociable and interactive designer they had on their team. Being strongly in tune with the community he worked with, and gave warlocks some of the most fun gameplay they’ve had.

Even got tanking working for them but that got sabotaged by having their taunt disabled on bosses.

And funny enough. Warlocks were given tanking inspired from Dark Apotheosis in classic SoD…

Ohhhh we’re getting the deep lore, with Fel School.

So… the Jock beat up the Nerd and took his homework (not quite obviously but I had to say it).

And I absolutely love that, and would be fine with Retail Locks getting Meta/some form of demon form back, I was just commenting on it being a bit more complicated than simply “we didn’t want overlapping abilities”

Except that it isn’t complicated at all. Just devs being either stupid or petty.

With the same though process Priest and Paladin shouldn’t have been allowed to have similarly themed specs, or mage and warlocks, or mage and death knights.

That wasn’t the thought process was my entire point that you missed.

The dev that pushed for Meta on Lock and Lock being a certain way burnt a lot of bridges on the design team, so it’s no surprise that when he was gone that they all changed Lock to be more in line with that they preferred

As i said, either stupid or petty.

Demonfire Barrage!

Oh, you guys brought it back, thank you. I’m so happy with this one.

Diabolist looks amazing in general.

It looks like you did a great job. The only issue I have is Flames of Xoroth, which adds two % damage on character and pet. Is this a tooltip error or typo?

Dee ahb oh list, is how I say it.

Looking it up, apparently people are saying it like Die ab oh list.

I’m more lost and know less than when I started this crazy journey.

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Did Blizz ever say this? Or is this your own fantasy that you’re making up?

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Add more content instead of wasting time on crap like this. I’m tired of the bad filler content they make for world content, and the instanced content is lacking too.,

… the Class Designers don’t have anything to do with that.


If you think these developers don’t share duties, then you don’t understand game development. Blizzard wastes too much time on systems like this, they need to focus their team on making actual content.

I get so tired of the forum police making excuses for this crap company.


Have you tried not making stuff up and insulting people when called out?

I know the meme is “small indie company” but, Blizz is anything but.

Not saying don’t demand more outdoor content but thinking the Class Designers are taking significant resources away from the other parts of WoW is nonsensical.

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A good idea then is not to commit to building more when the foundation is shaky as-is.

The game could really use an entire additional new expansion’s development cycle to shore up the new talent system and make sure it’s as good as possible before they decide to add anything on top of it at all. Reading about all these new added effects when I know that the underlying gameplay experience on live is not great fosters misgivings. There are definitely changes that need to be made, and I would way, way prefer knowing that those are getting addressed before seeing what is going to be smeared overtop of it.

For the record, I think that you are missing people’s concern about offering strong thematic choices that will almost certainly have a single “correct” answer when it comes to performance in game. The tension between wanting to explore and enjoy themes and wanting to bring your best possible performance to the groups you participate in is real. It is stronger here due to the binary nature of it and the much stronger thematic elements than between any given talents in our existing bloated trees.

You say that the player base that this affects is small, but I don’t think you really know that. From my perspective as a raider and person who participates in M+, these decisions on Blizzard’s part do matter a lot.

So let people leave their feedback and feel what they feel. It does feel like covenants did again for me, too. I don’t think you have a compelling argument that it’s otherwise, so how about leaving off?