Get a Year of WoW and Gain a Slew of Extras to Add to the Adventure

And i will be eligble for any 12 month rewards set to release before Jan 2025? Will i be eligle for these current reward although my new 12 month sub wont begin until march 2024?

Correct. You’ll get the new rewards right away or very shortly after.

As long as you don’t cancel your sub and have it set to auto renew, you will receive any 6mth or the next 1yr rewards as they are released.

If you cancel your sub so it will not auto renew, you’d have to do this whole process again if paying upfront for another year.

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I don’t see any foxes, so I’m not interested.

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Thank you for clarifying this.

Just to 100% confirm, it will renew in March of 2025 or will it attempt to renew 12 months from the time i set 12 month sub up? (EG will it try to renew with months of an active sub remaining)

It will renew in 2025! The game will add on 12mths to your current date when you pay upfront for the current promotion then change the next billed on date to be March 2025.

Currently if you look in your account management → manage subscription page it will show it as a 6mth reoccurring one. Once you “upgrade” that will change immediately to 12mth reoccurring and show your new renewal date.


Thank you again <3


Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. (giggle)


Before you pull out your card, why arent you playing the game? I wont touch the disability aspect. But seems most of the people upset at pathfinder are angry they have to play the core game. And not just whatever minigame portion they play.

For 4 expansions, or approx 8 years its been the same. 1) do the main questlines 2) explore the zones 3) rep with factions.

Thats it! No crazy hoop jumping. Just interact with the world they designed. The game you paid for.


More like before the holiday season so Q4 numbers are good. It would be hard to do this on November 26th.

someone who thinks beads are the height of art and will never be surpassed.

Its not a “CARD” itsa fact of my life that i vomit when i dragonride, if every time you mounted up you became nauseated, then later when the PROMISE OF ADDING FLIGHT has " but you still have to be sick and do all that stuff you physically cant do" tacked onto it… why do you think im here and not playing dragonflight zones genius… that goes for EVERY disabled person unable to dragonfly that now MUST either choose to break the no account sharing rules, staple themselves to a friend for weeks for a rep carry, or just vomit all over myself BECAUSE I DESERVE TO BE INDIPENDANT AND PLAY JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE

They made some accommodation for people with motion sickness. And they cant just give out free path finding to certain people. I know your answer is to just make regular flying from the start. But Dragon Riding was a feature right from the start. They cant kill off features or just keep stale ones for a minority of players. Not when the majority enjoys the feature.

Dragon riding was known months in advance and we never knew if they would add regular flying until just a couple months ago.

And you never touched my other points. So I guess until the next expansion, just use ground mounts if you dont want to play the expansion to get pathfinder.


fist pump


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Why not just give it to everyone? In my opinion they should because it was a stupid idea to even have it to begin with. I dont care if you’re flying super slow everywhere while im zipping around. 90% of people are in the city anyway.


Wow… that’s a pretty awful take. Even without the “play the game” bit. They didn’t ask to kill Dragonflight, so not sure why that’s even a thing.

Pathfinder has never been to go from one form of flying to another. It’s always been to go from no flying to flying. And yes, they could just choose to go “no flying” right now, except for the fact that the game has been specifically designed for flying this time. This isn’t WoD where you (and everyone else) were expected to not fly.

For the renown, there’s a whole thread on about how it’s “oh just play the game to get pathfinder”. No, it’s “play the game a particular way because lots of the game doesn’t give renown”.

The language you choose almost seems empathetic, but the meaning behind it is anything but.


Nah, the developers are not going to give out free pathfinder to everyone just like all willy-nilly. We all know how this works, and it’s as well put as the person you quoted put it, with the multiple steps required to unlock it.

I stopped playing when the patch with Loamm came out, so I still have to go back through that, which I don’t mind because I understand the way things are. My wife who has issues with Dragon Riding quit in that same patch, but she plans on dealing with it just to unlock pathfinder so she can go back to having her regular flying.


Well I’m sure this will all be free in the trading post or as a twitch drop if we wait a bit…

I don’t think Microsoft will move WoW to game pass anytime soon. For no other reason the good old fashion financial sense. So I agree with you. I think eventually it may join game pass perhaps (but that goes with my theory over the next year game pass pricing will likely substantially increase) .

You don’t add more games and features from companies you just spend 70 billion to acquire and NOT raise game pass pricing within the first year.


That’s murloc for don’t go there

they know people are gonna hate the expansion announcement lol
lock in them subs early!