Genuinely worried about the "ripcord" being pulled

Iget were your coming from. In general I think the game has gatten far to complicated.

Looking back 16 years ago I would never have been able to do the things I do now when it comes to mechanics and despite the memes about classes being to easy I actually find many of them to be far to difficult.

I wish we could get back to the basics of the game without all of these added systems that increase complexity. Then have each class have a very easy rotation with talents that increase the complexity if desired. Such as: The first talent is passive, the second talent adds moderate complexity, the third talent adds a ton of complexity.

I’ve tried to get friends to join the game but quite frankly they quit once I start showing them the guides on how to optimize. They see they can’t compete without optimization and yet its to much investment for a game so they go else were.

Sega and Nintendo captured audiences for decades with 2 buttons. Maybe I’m just getting to old and should go back to playing Sonic and Mario.


Seriously the game shouldn’t be designed around you being scared of the damn thing

That isn’t how we create fun


I often think this as well. I’m getting old, and modern gaming is just not for me.

Welp, back to playing P99 EverQuest, lmao.


Using other covenant is not even close as relearning another class, most covenants are just passive buffs with 1 active skill, it doesnt change your gameplay that much.

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Is that taking into account all of the soulbinds and conduits for each covenant?

Look man you might have to look up a guide at some point

If that’s you’re fear then it doesn’t matter if you pull the rip cord or not

You should be scared either way

I already do that, that’s not the issue.

I don’t heal M+ because I tunnel vision the health bars and end up dying (and I just realized what and odd word dying is, it doesn’t follow any normal rules to verb tense) to mechanics. Resulting in the run not being fun for others.

I don’t pvp because I don’t want to destroy my partners rating while I learn.

Having anxiety about needing to know an exact route or mess someones key up, isn’t how you create fun either. A challenge yes but the two are not often synonymous.


Yeah but sorry we can’t design anything around people being scared of it

It doesn’t work like that and that’s why anxiety sucks

Pulling the ripcord does nothing to anyone and has barely any negative side effects that’s wont already be there

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I don’t get the point of this thread, you both clearly have a problem with M+.

What does this have to do at all with covenants and unlocking power from them?


I can relate to all of that sadly, lol.

Mix in with fear of meeting strangers (could never know whether they’ll be cool or harsh, especially after you lose 5 arena games in a row) and you’ve got pretty much my situation.

Did you read it?

The point is adding a massive layer of complexity to an already complex system by pulling the ripcord is going to make it that much tougher to play this game.

Nobody but you can make you change your covenant especially if they make it so you need to go back to the hub to do so which they should. This is a nonsensical worry especially since most people who have it don’t actually do the level of content where it would make any sense to ask someone to switch.

If you haven’t done a single mythic boss your guild has literally zero justification to tell you to switch. If you aren’t doing at least 18s or higher probably significantly higher there is no justification to tell people to switch. If you aren’t playing at least at 2100 same deal. Now will people below those levels want to switch? Absolutely. Do they have any justification in telling others to switch even if the ripcord is pulled? Absolutely not.

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Yes pretty much all of them are straight stat boosts or a proc very few of them require much if any thought especially for dps which makes the sheer amount of power they have all the more frustrating since you can end up 20% lower than someone playing at the same level as you purely because you wanted to be gold instead of blue.

Don’t get me wrong I support pulling the ripcord. There are several methods they could use were it doesn’t become any more complicated then it already is.

However games are designed trying to find the perfect balance between anxiety (tension) and release. In fact most art is.

If something is to frustrating for the majority of a player base no one will play it. If its to easy and builds no tension at all no one plays it because the rewards are free and who cares anyway… So you have to try to find that balance.

Blizzard attempts to do this in numerous ways. What your seeing here is people who are on the left side of the skill bell curve saying that there is to much tension in class rotation and in systems pertaining to that rotation. And furthermore that it may be a larger problem then their internal statistics indicate due to players never even attempting end game because its to confusing.

It’s a legitimate worry because I get comments all the time about not being Fire. It would be the same deal with Covenants, probably worse.

I mean I do agree with you there, I’m not playing the hardest content, should be allowed to just be left alone and play what I want, right? I know we don’t live in that world though.

Nah it will be the same

That’s a blizzard balancing issue and not a ripcord one

If you got groups as arcane now you’ll get them in shadow lands with or with out ripcord pulled

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I want to believe that, so much.

Hard to when folks are already threatening to decline those of the “wrong” covenant though.

Anyone who is asking for fire in pre 18 m+ isn’t very smart. Mobs genuinely do not live long enough for fire to excel if the group is competent before a certain threshold prior to that frost is much more useful. In raids it’s much more questionable but it’s heroic so yeah not really fussed by what people want in heroic. Put them on ignore and move on.

I agree with you 100% there. I think the issue is that some folks see a fire mage watching a streamer or MDI or whatever and think all mages should be Fire.