Genuinely worried about the "ripcord" being pulled

It really depends, I guess your point is you would prefer if there wasn’t any powers at all coming from them. As even if they’re lock or not what you fear can happen.

I probably would feel better at this point if covenants were just four reps to grind, with a mount and transmog set to earn from each, and nothing more.

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Probably a lot people would feel better.


Level up another mage. One always arcane, one always frost.

As bad as it will probably make me look, as much as it’ll probably open me up to insults…

I genuinely like simplicity. I’m not a fan of the unpruning as an example.

Not really sure how that’d help.

If someone says, “We want you to change for this dungeon,” you could say, “I don’t change, but I have another character in the spec you want.”

You’re not alone in this xd
Unpruning wasn’t really done well imo, with lot of abilities not being that interesting. I’m not really interested personnaly to get my ghoul back as blood or frost.

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But I would have to focus on learning two covenants regardless, along with having to manage, level, and keep two characters caught up with gear. That just seems like more needless complication.

“Shadowlands: Needless Complication”

That works.


i wouldn’t worry about it really. If you pick the wrong covenant you most likely wont be invited to a group. No need to memorize anything more than that.

Eh, at least heroic dungeon groups and LFR can’t deny me.

You can remember talent rows…why not +1 to that for 4 total?

Seems like I’d have to memorize a hell of a lot more than that when counting soulbinds and conduits.

All the mage spells seem pretty bad tbh. I don’t think it’ll matter that much.

Funny enough the two most straightforward ones are on the two covenants I happen to hate (Kyrian and Necrolord) lols.

Beyond that the Venthyr one seems great only for PvP, and the Night Fae one looks like it could be good with proper setup, which I am sadly bad at.

OP you are right
In the current system soul binds would make it a lot more than just a choice of an extra talent.
Talents don’t normally come with 3 different skill trees.

Opening it up but not doing a complete overhaul of the soulbind system would make the game far too complexe and in my eyes, the cord should not be pulled if that is the result

Just follow a guide for whats best.


Essences+corruption+azerite armor when switching bewteen raiding and M+.

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I already do that, and fortunately it’s pretty simple for Frost. Stack mastery corruption + Flash Freeze x3.

I can’t follow a guide that tells me to be Necrolord or Kyrian though, and it will be difficult to follow along if I have to worry about being all four.

You don’t have to memorize them if you don’t want to. Just look it up on Icy-Veins.

What worries me is that such a guide will say something like, as an example “Necrolord for raiding, Venthyr for PvP, Kyrian for M+”. Forcing me to learn all of them for those roles.