Genuine question. Why aren't Red Draenei an allied race?

I have always wanted that. Could have them as warlocks finally. They have been in lore since WC3. No reason to not have them in right now.

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Because Allied races were a selling point for BFA and now that we are past that Allied races are left by the wayside like most of the content that is only used during their current expansion, such as the likes of Azerite power, Legion Artifact weapons and so on.

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I feel despite liking many of the Allied Races they are pointless and could be rolled back into the main race as customizations, legit the only ones that couldn’t would be Vulpera, Kul Tiran, Nightborne and Zandalari Trolls due to the models actually being altered/modified from the originals or completely new.

So I’m glad they just made Man’ari Draenei customizations, if they shared it to Lightforged Draenei they’d be a super win.


No more allied races.

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Orcs got their red version, now the Draenei need theirs. WarCraft orcs having green skin was not a rippoff of Tolkien like people always say. Tolkien did not invent orcs, nor did he say he did. His version of orcs were a grey ish green or brown or near black. The bright green look is because that was the look that was most trending in the 90s…partly because it was the easiest “exotic” color to program in at the time. Alines were green, ghosts were green, all the monsters in many of the movies were green, so WarCraft orcs were too. And it was a cool look.

And the red ones look cooler too. According to lore, they are more powerful too. Have a differnt magic system as well. I want NEW Class race combo for Eredar. Elder Sage.
For Ally only. Blizz needs to do something to make the Alliance popular again. Horde can get something else.


Because nobody likes allied races. Just give us the race without an achievement behind it.

Because Allied Races were a feature of BFA. And many people complained that most of them should just be customizations anyway.

We will probably see more inexpensive customizations over expensive allied races in the future.

Pretty much this. The only Expansion feature I can honestly think of that’s been prevalent through out WoW’s life is Flying from TBC and Blizzard has been trying everything they can to remove that without upsetting people.


Simple answer: Blizzard doesn’t do Allied Races anymore.

Darkfallen (the Dark Rangers) were just new customizations, not an Allied Race. Man’ari are just new customizations, not an Allied Race. High Elves were just new customizations, not an Allied Race. There are no Allied Races anymore, just new customizations for existing races.

IMO, alien races were a specific narrative for BfA, which released at a time where the decision makers were adamant about adding customization to the races. My suspicion is that if Blizzard didn’t have such a holdout, the allied races would have only been silhouette swaps (Nightborne/Void Elves (which was a disappointing option), or new rings (Zandalari/Kultiran).

I also suspect that as allied races were popular, Blizzard took what may have been slated for new skins and made them allied races (Dark Iron/Highmountain).

But the conceit was that each major faction needed allies for the war. The war is over, so there is no need for allied races as a concept. This frees up Blizzard to add skins to existing races without having to worry about quest lead-ups, separate racial abilities, or mini-start zones. You get one mini-quest to unlock a specific theme and you’re done.

Because Allied races as a concept was a BFA thing. It’s not coming back.


You might not want it, but that’s the answer.

And I suppose a reformed Man’ari is culturally similar to the core Draenei.

They should have been an allied race and there’s no legitimate excuse that they aren’t.
Darkfallen, Wildhammer, Sandfury trolls, all should have been as well. They’re not the same as just being a skin tone, they’re a clear and distinct entity, with notable racial traits differing from the base race.

I mean if we’re looking at racials just think of
Gift of the Naaru = Gift of Sargeras
Heroic Presence = Devilish Presence

Pretending is fun.

Because allied races were a one-expansion feature that more or less failed, they weren’t going to drop a new one at the tail end of a patch cycle, especially without a Horde counterpart, and people still complain about the majority of existing allied races not being customization options for their parent races because of the lack of effort put into making them unique. It was a thousand times easier to work them into the game as draenei customization than to add them as their own race and inevitably deal with how to make eredar paladins work when the class is opened up to every (or almost every) race, as having them as draenei customization puts them in the same position as Darkfallen customization and bypasses the issue entirely.

I’m seeing more threads complaining about eredar not being an allied race or clamoring for fel-touched customizations for other races (fel/chaos orcs, felblood elves, felborne, Feltotem tauren) than people actually being happy with draenei getting something nice. Just take the W.

The game isn’t about a logical story mode anymore it’s about pleasing what’s left of the degenerate audience

Adding onto that, i rather have actual new races, this ever-so-slightly modified existing races as allied races stuff is lazy.


It would have been really cool if the Man’ari Eredar was an Allied Race on the Horde side. I think the races like Highmountain and Mag’har should have been skins since they are on the same side but like Void Elves and Blood Elves are on opposite factions so it makes sense. I think the Allied Races would be really cool if they were an alternate version of the other factions races added in. Like non-rotting upright Foresaken.

The better question is why isnt there a neutral Murloc race yet Blizzard!? Between in game and Hearthstone Murlocs have been shown as I think every class excpet Envoker at this point so they should be added as a playable race.

IMO they shouldn’t have allowed the green eyes with red skin, all is fixed with that. Its true because you all run around looking like you still worship the legion.

Simple answer for you… Blizz is lazy and making it just a new skin option and the like with a short quest was them cutting corners instead of true demon goat people. Was easier for them and cost less money to skip making them a separate race like they did with lightforged and just made them an option for default draenei. They might do the same for fel orcs and blood elves although BE already got the deep red skin their fel touched brethren in BC had from too much red crystal so they may just give red skin tone to orcs