Gentleman's Lounge and Megathread

Oh look. Flagged again. Imagine that. I wish it showed who flags a post.


I say medium. Until i tried it, i never knew what i was missing! Sooooo yummy!

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That would actually provide proof as to why, and we cant have than now can we? LOL! Figures though.

Sad really.

My position on this is simple. You can eat it how you want, but I won’t ruin a good steak to your tastes, so where you eating at?


But if she doesn’t lean over and unlock your door for you, she ain’t a keeper.

I bet I can guess a few of them just based on their replies in this thread. :smiley:

Even when there isn’t anything but friendly banter happening a thread like this is going to get flagged and probably by the same people consistently.

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i almost exclusively eat steak at my house since some restaurants cooks won’t cook well done steaks at the fancier restaurants.I have actually encountered this.

Why is it men aren’t allowed any spaces, even when non-men are allowed in them?


I know, my best friend is a chef and worked at some very high end restaurants in Vegas. If a waiter came in with a well done steak order he’d walk out personally and tell the person he wasn’t going to make it.


They hate us cuz they ain’t us Golavar. All I can say about it.

A sign that a well done steak has no place in a civilized society.


although on the opposite side there are just as many restaurants that won’t serve blue rare at all. either because it’s too hard for their chefs to make or the health risks associated with eating almost raw steak. one time my brother ordered a rare steak and it came out 3 times well done.

Well, I’m not going to Applebees for a steak so it’s all good. :rofl:

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how did you know? also i tend to make my steaks well done a special way to help keep the juices in a lot of the chefs fry the farts out of it to get it well done and it comes out dry as a bone. if i want dry steak ill eat porkchops.


I mean… do you want fart steak?

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i use that instead of swearing cause they REALLY REALLY fry the steak when they make it well done. they also seem to think well done=charred on the outside…i hate charred steak but my dad loves it.

That’s actually why you sear them at high heat - to lock in the moisture. A correctly cooked medium-rare steak will never be dryer than a well-done steak, which has much of it’s moisture cooked out by definition.


Always char mine, 1 1/2 minutes each side in a scorching cast iron pan. Then turn down the heat and add the unsalted butter! Baste the steaks in it. I finish them off in sealed tupperware for 5 minutes with a dab of salted butter on each. The char softens nicely, and you get a super tender steak!

Now i am stupid hungry! Dang it!

lol burnt arm hair, classic

one of my brothers has a saying that he likes the steak “to still be mooing”. I think thats funny.

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oof that is rare, i prefer medium