Gentleman's Lounge and Megathread

OOOhhhhh I know what I’m making tonight.

Thanks for the idea :slight_smile:

how about dutch oven

When I did keto I felt like I couldn’t possibly eat more and I lost so much weight and had nearly unlimited energy. I have half a mind to do it again.

I used beard oil in my beard for a while. While it did smell nice, it really didn’t do anything so I stopped using it. Maybe I’m just lazy, but there are much faster ways to smell good if that is the only benefit.

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wow, gentlemen’s lounges have changed

Good luck, we’ve tried to make this a few times, it always gets 404’d.

optimism, or maybe hope, is eternal

i like steak well done. come at me bros.

Steak is steak, enjoy them how ever you choose.

Yeah I preffer medium rare but that’s what my teeth can manage til I get that taken care of…Maybe around the time I hit 60 should be able to.

But I would never slam another for how they choose to have their steaks.

Gentlemen’s rule number one:

Always open your ladies car door, after she is seated give her a kiss then close the door and take your spot in the drivers seat.

Good day.

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You mean body type 1

steak medium is my jam but i also like beef jerky

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dude lounge, no numbers

what type? that mechanical garbage or the actual handmade stuff thats tough to chew?

'scuse me while i scratch.

That is false. My last attempt, even the women in their own thread wondered why it got deleted. The women in my thread itself seen nothing wrong with it. It was civil.

Yet i still got a vacation for it.

Go figure.

Enough of that, hi, i like playing WoW, riding my HD, hunting and fishing. What are your go to hobbies gents?


Time to start grilling again and burn the hair off your hands and arms.

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well done steak > all

This one will probably get 404’d

It wouldnt shock me at all.

But yeah smoke em if ya got em. Have a nice Connecticut blend and some scotch.

Remember fellas

There’s nothing wrong with having emotions, and it’s a good thing to have people in your life to can trust and talk with them about stuff