Gentleman's Lounge and Megathread

Wait did they seriously? o-o

I looked. No they didn’t.

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In the gentlemen’s thread of course! :face_with_monocle:

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Speaking of skincare products, got the fiance some beard oil a while back and he still hasn’t used it.

If I decide to let my facial hair grow out, I’ll use it. Waste not want not.

It was growing out there for a while but it got itchy. Like… REALLY itchy.

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Hi… looking to learns hows to be a mans… please advise.


Oh dude that sucks! And also surprising! I dont have much of a beard only a goatee kinda but whenever I let it grow too much it gets all knotted up even though I’d wash it and comb it through and all that. Oil sounds helpful to avoid that stuff

Just look fancy! Like this! :face_with_monocle:


Oh yeah for sure. I don’t have a mustache but more so chin / side burns.

There is a little bit of a stache but it’s mainly just soft fluff.

Break up with him, take all the things and walk.
Especially if it was expensive. Mofo would be wearing the damn bottle if I had bought it.
Maybe in due time he will or you do. I hope you like it either way.

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Medium rare no sauce in its own juices. Maybe some mushrooms and garlic butter with a side of steamed asparagus and broccoli with butter.



you lost me at asparagus

I feel I should have done a few more keys for my lock before today ugh. Did a 10 for my first key as at 380 my demo did a lot better than I expected.
The monk at the end of it even gave me the horn of valor trinket I was after too!

Was so happy. That trinkets so baws for my 2m tyrant cd :3
Just hoping the vault has another good piece today, I need to do some raid for that rare drop trinket to show up in my vault too but I just don’t want to do lfr so maybe I can get lucky and find a group to raid with, I think most still look for warlocks right?

Aw lol but it’s good for you. I’m on keto so I gotta eat the low carb greens no potatoes or rice for me xD

Maybe some seasoned collard greens then?

World of Warcraft?

Hey those bugs are mine!!!

I got them out of my own grave.

When I was on keto, I was absolutely starving the entire time.

I had to snack on protein and eat a bunch of small meals throughout the day

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Yeah I do it with intermittent fasting so only eat every 16h or so. I gotten use to it, it’s more about eating some healthy fats to stay full and the IF makes where it’s easier to get full faster.

My problem still is I get sweet tooth far too much and have to resist wanting to snack xD

But managed so far to go back down from 230 to 200 in a month or so. Just trying to get back to my ideal weight of 175 though I feel the moment I stop keto I’ll just balloon back up xD


Man that’s good progress Bullpapa. I know it’s not easy so congratulations and keep it up!

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i’m actually a little shocked that the thread still hasn’t been flagged yet, considering the various violations so far.
it looks like there are a few people interested in causing trouble.
if anyone wants to get an itchy finger, at least report the individual problematic posts, instead of the entire thread.

woot, man cave

What kind?

I’m looking around for different ones on Amazon lately.

I wanna try a different one.

fasting? keto? am i in the wrong cave?

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