Genn's dual timelines

Well OK.

I am not arguing for the sake of arguing. I could let it go (I was going to in my previous post. I need to get some raiding in this week).

I am inclined to let it go and let the Echo Chamber exist undisturbed tonight. But I will reply since you asked nicely.

I only mention it because he used the term “underdog hero”. That is not the case. I have my positions. Heroic or not.

Trust me, I know my opinions are reviled by many. I am fine with it. He brought up his views on me.

Likelihood is not the topic. You make my point for me.

Something is canon or not. Likelihood does not make something canon - it only bolsters theories.

Likelihood is not something I consider much when discussing what is canon. The topic of “likelihood” does belong in a theoretical discussion like this, though.

To answer you: it is likely the Alliance version wil be canon. But it has not been stated as canon. Assuming things are canon based on likelihood instead of Blizzard’s story telling is not something I entertain.

You’ll be waiting around forever if you need every single thing to be clarified by blizzard as canon.

Likelihood is entirely the topic. Only one of the events could have happened - the fact that you’re telling me that you think both have an equal likeliness of happening tells me that you don’t understand the point of having the dual-dialogue. There is nothing theoretical here. This is one of the few cases where it is outright obvious which one did happen, and which one is an embellishment from a SECOND HAND SOURCE. Once again, you’ve chosen your hill to die on, and it’s a measly little mound that no one will remember because this entire thread should have ended after a few replies explaining the concept of an unreliable narrator, of which you don’t seem to understand.

If you’ve read this far, readers of this thread, it’s time to close it and read something else.



walks to door
turns around and looks at thread one last time
shuts off light


Now this is my domain. My own realm. Grandblade is gone. Cursewords is silent. Amidst this Stygian isolation I open my mouth and scream the primal scream that fills my soul;






You’re ignoring that in Lore, raids don’t reset weekly, and both Horde and Alliance normally have the exact same in-raid experience. Since raids are, in lore, a one-and-done deal, only the Horde OR the Alliance can get the kill. This is why they do post-event clarifications for raids.

In this raid, however, BOTH SIDES acknowledge Rastakhan is an Alliance kill. There is no clarification required. The Alliance raid is there for the fight; the Horde raid hears about it second-hand from a witness. Unless you somehow expect them to clarify that Rastakhan was killed by the Horde, I’m not sure how you can in good faith argue that the Alliance version isn’t canon.


You speak of arguing in good faith… while you ignore the difference pointed out in the OP.

Yes, the Alliance kills Rastakhan. The Zandalari survivor states that, as well as the Alliance version. That is not in question.

The discussion was whether the Alliance version of Genn’s demand is canon, or whether Blizzard has clarified that one way or the other.

Both versions speak of the Alliance killing Rastakhan, so the canon kill is not in question by either version. Your point about “good faith arguments” is laughable when you bring up something both accounts agreed on.

The accounts differ on Genn’s demand. There is no statement by Blizzard that one version of his demand is canon and the other is not.

Posters are free to make any false claim they wish, and they are free to believe what they will, and free to claim the Alliance account is more likely and thus factual…

But whether one version is canon or not has not been stated by Blizzard. If it is in the future, all the better. But it hasn’t been.

So yes. My argument was in good faith and addressing the incongruity the OP brought up.

Here’s what I heard Cursewords say:

“The Alliance version is actually the canonical account of the Rastakhan death. The Horde version is an exaggerated version.”

There. Now until Blizzard comes and confirms it, we don’t know what Cursewords actually said, right? Doesn’t matter that Cursewords is the one who said it, we don’t have confirmation. Any of his protests otherwise would just be his fan theory.


That would make sense if I were a character in the Story.

I know posters such as yourself have almost clinical cases of RP … and you seem to believe we are Blizzard’s characters and living the Story…but that is not so.

Hate to break it to you.

The Story regarding Genn’s demand, the story we are discussing, was written by Blizzard. Both versions. My posts were not. Unlike you, I know the difference between RP and the separate, canon story.

Sorry, can’t confirm whether this is true or not until a higher up does. Nevermind the obvious, it’s just one of your theories for now.


We witness one version, and we hear the other from a second-hand source. You concede the Alliance kill is canon, but deny that the Alliance version of the raid is happening “live” while the Horde version is “as told to”.


So you feel that Blizzard has a canon story for our posts? Like they do for their game?

No wonder you are so quick to claim your head canon and fan theories as actual canon when Blizzard has not.

You think Blizzard actually channels through posters like yourself. It explains much.

Slow down, slow down, I can’t fit all these words you’re putting in my mouth.


Low even for you…


OHOHO!! Wow, that was like a middle school insult you just pulled out there. You should go ahead and just take that top hat off, friendo, because you lack any sort of class.


The day I take fashion advice from a Human Paladin dressed like that…

Your opinion on my mog is inconsequential. That top hat, however, should go to someone who deserves it. Someone who hasn’t dug a grave so deep for themselves, they could clip Satan’s toenails.

You needa grow up, Cursewords.


Ah. A lecture on maturity from the guy who just said:

If your sort of “honest intellectualism” passes for maturity, I am glad you find it lacking in me.

Dressed like what? A human paladin?

C’mon, guys. I don’t know if you’re able, but if you are, just find each other in War Mode and fight it out already.

While it is probably true that the Alliance version of Genn’s dialogue is probably the canon true version of the two, it’s also true that the Horde version is more in-character for our friend, Genn. The dude’s always been anger first, diplomacy somewhere further down the list.

Honestly, if I were Alliance, I’d be insulted.

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For someone so pompous, you really don’t have the comprehension skills to back it up.

This is an Alliance-Only game and the pro Anduin comments aren’t believable, so it’s meant to be obscenely clear that the Alliance version is correct.

Nevermind that the Alliance is actually there to witness it and there is no narration for them.