Genn just hands away the kingdom?

Well if my suspicions are correct about what happened with Legion and the creation of the term “Manduin” yuh you’re probably right :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

I guess no magic in game exists cause it doesn’t irl. So complicated.


Has this been out long enough not to warn spoilers, not a huge deal or anything but, some people may not have done it yet.

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Why are you so determined to die on this weird hill? Tess is the heir to Gilneas.

Sure, can be. But using the argument that people should know what Monarchy means in WoW like it’s clearly defined isn’t good.


To you. It isn’t good…to you. Be specific here. Cause you seem to be the only one grasping for this straw.

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I would argue that being deliberately argumentative for no real reason isn’t good, especially since this isn’t the first thread you’ve been weird about this on. Whether its explicitly stated or based on IRL monarchies is entirely irrelevant. There isn’t an in game breakdown on the structure of monarchies in Azeroth because it doesn’t matter.

The lore isn’t that deep. What is established, via wiki and supplemental lore material, is that Tess Greymane is the heir to Gilneas. Full stop, that’s the only thing thats truly relevant to this conversation.


That defines your behavior, not mine.

It isn’t, especially when their response is mocking someone for ‘not knowing how monarchies work’ when there’s no clear definition for the game.


“Due to her brother’s death, Tess is now the heir to the throne of the kingdom of Gilneas,” is pretty cut and dried to me, but go ahead and pick a fight with Briselody for no real reason.


At this point it is now very clear that you are trolling and being argumentative for the sake of it.

We have clear examples of Kings passing their titles to their children throughout WoW’s history. Genn from his father. Varian to Anduin, The Menithil family is another example as throughout Arthas’ story he was named as Heir Apparent to the throne of Lorderon before turning into a Death Knight.

I hope you have a great night, but maybe pick a better argument, and logic, than “Well even though this person is clearly the heir I want to argue this because not all IRL monarchies are the same.”

Not written anywhere in game, and again you two friends are the ones continually posting at me not the other way around as well as mocking me.

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I love that you assume I’m friends with them. I don’t know them. But what you’re saying makes no sense.

Not all lore is in the game. I hope your argument isn’t that only things that are explicitly spelled out in game in the retail version of World of Warcraft are canon.

Then anything from Hearthstone is canon?

Some things have moved from Hearthstone into retail cannon. Not all, But some. But again. There are other pieces of media that are considered Cannon to retail Lore, for example the Novelizations and Comic stories.

Is Hearthstone described and marketed as supplemental lore expanding on the story of World of Warcraft?

Considered by whom? Cause a book published worgen as having tails, etc.

Yep! Official Blizzard canon.


Lots of things in WoW, Retail, Comics, Books, and so on, have inconsistencies. You are just trying to grasp at straws to prove a point that…isn’t really a point. But hey, good luck cause I’m just gonna stop bothering with you. You have no actual arguments. Clearly just trying to argue in bad faith, and try to twist anything someone says as some kind of gotcha. So. Have a good night.

Usually they’re more formal.

Which speaks to the value of such a title.

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Oh good, so you should be able to provide in-game sources for that, yes?